Wednesday 30 March 2016

Horror Scopes

One of our favourite pastimes is reading "Your Stars" in the West Australian. The column is always amusing, often quite accurate and occasionally way off the mark.  Today was a typical example of the latter.

My horoscope was side-splitting, advising me to seek professional help in my diet and exercise regime. What regime? I am a short, round woman, who is cheerfully overweight as I adore food and vino. Every now and then, I consider starting walking again, which is my preferred exercise, particularly during winter. Although I am fat, I actually don't want to become too fat as my joints hurt and my enjoyment of life reduces. So, the time is coming. With the arrival of the cooler weather, I am actually looking forward to pounding the pavements and attempting to persuade Michael to join me.

Michael's horoscope was more promising, focusing on his "brilliant best as the stars boost your brainpower". So far, so good. Except the second sentence was a bit of a letdown, describing Michael powering "through paperwork, do research, edit work..." 1. Michael loathes paperwork..2. Research requires reading material of some sort, difficult as he was driving in the Big Smoke's traffic. 3. Michael does not edit. If he wants to write, I edit.

Michael's research and editing usually involve real life and a multitude of ideas in his head. And drawing. On paper or on his steel table with chalk. He follows his intuition in his art. Beginning with a nebulous and fluid plan in his mind, his sculpture evolves with an almost organic life of its own. He may not be happy with the piece, as happened with "Unhinged", so he put this sculpture aside until he knew how to finish it. The completed piece, now named "Unfurled", is quite different from its inception.

Yet some of the traits attributed to us, according to our individual star signs, are surprisingly truthful.

I am Cancerian. I am sensitive, scuttle sideways to avoid conflict and stick my head in the sand to hide from any negative reactions. I love my home, my friends, my children and my pets. I adore Michael and am utterly open about my affection. I am sometimes gullible, frequently talk too much and hate hurting anyone. Prone to recurrent depression, I cope by looking, as much as possible, at the funny side of life.

Michael is a Virgo. An extroverted introvert, he is intelligent, artistic (of course) and a problem solver. He is patient and forgiving. He is an open book to those who love him. His ability to "see" a finished project is legendary. Why else would he buy steel members three years before he needed them? Because he knew. He never gives up. Yet, he is wracked by anxiety and doubt, concerned that because some don't love him, that makes him unlovable. And he makes me feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

So there you have it - the good, the bad and the ugly. Whether we believe the horoscope column or not is immaterial. We always think. And then either roar with laughter or howl with derision. We are looking forward to opening "Your Stars" tomorrow to see what Joanne M Moore has in store for us.

Happy horoscope reading!


and sometimes quite unintentionally, like repotting and watering a plastic plant!


which brings with it almost crippling anxiety.

I couldn't have put this better myself!

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