Thursday 10 March 2016

Holding my Breath...

A trip to the Big Smoke. This was primarily about Michael. He was having another can scan on his troublesome lungs.

Almost two years ago, Michael nearly died. He had double pneumonia (in both lungs) and was described by his specialist Scott as septic. Three eventful weeks in hospital and we staggered home to recuperate. Both of us.

Except that hasn't been the end of it. Michael is now very susceptible to chest infections. And so far, when he does get one of these bugs in his lungs, he seemed incapable of shaking it without IV antibiotics.

Hence, he has had four more hospital admissions over the last couple of years. Each infection flattens him. The recovery period at home is usually far longer than the actual hospital stay.

And we have been watching a "nodule" in his right (good) lung. If we can get through this cat scan unscathed, without this lurking menace showing any sign of growing, that means it probably is scar tissue, rather than cancer.

There, I've said the word. We have lived with this possible reality for twenty-three months. Regular cat scans. Visits to Scott to hear the results. Hoping, with every fibre of my being, that he will be in the clear. Until his next, inevitable, chest infection.

So I'm a bit tense...We see Scott next week. And we are entering the danger time of year for Michael's lungs. So far, he hasn't had an infection during the summer months. Autumn to spring is when he is vulnerable.

He is quite tired at present. With night sweats and the beginnings of a cough. Bringing up phlegm. Which he hates doing as he's pretty woeful at clearing his lungs. So, I'm watching him.

We saw Lucky on our way home from the city yesterday. Stoic, quiet and gentle. He said what I was thinking. For God's sake, Mike, give them (the cigarettes) away, after what happened to your Mum.

So, I will keep fighting the Bitch. She hides in the shadows, whispering in his ear. He has found quitting almost impossible. Which is why I am Keeper of the Fags. I control them, I dole them out, I fight his demons with him. I will keep him alive as long as I can.

Love you, Michael Sofoulis....

August 2015

Recuperating at home

the very familiar view from a window at Joondalup Health Campus, on Ward H4.

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