Wednesday 23 March 2016

Catching My Breath

Am I the only person who is somewhat alarmed by the pace of this year? I'm sure that Christmas was only a few weeks ago, that 2000 was only a few years ago and that all my rock and pop idols seem to be having an unfortunate habit of dropping off the mortal coil at present.

I've been at the House that Rocks, catching my breath, for the last couple of days. Caught up on all those essential, but brain-numbing jobs that need to be attended to from time to time. What a relief. I had a welcome chance to stop the world and retreat to home. Now, all is clean and tidy, the washing is almost up to date and Michael's taller body and longer arms have efficiently vacuumed up all the spiders silly enough to take up residence indoors.

Hence, I'm back in the East End Gallery this cloudy March afternoon. The change in the weather has been rather a shock to my system. I am wearing smart jeans, a red tee shirt and a shirt. I am aware that my toes are a tiny bit cool, as I'm in sandals and there is a cool breeze coming through the open door.

Luckily, we haven't moved into winter just yet. The forecast for the weekend is dampish but warmer, so I'll be able to get back into skirts and dresses. In the lower south-west, the weather usually breaks at Easter. Before and after, the days may be dry, but the long weekend itself is often inconveniently wet.

Unless we have a deluge, the roof is more or less watertight and the Gallery will be warm and dry. Easter is the start of our tourist season and Beverley is hosting a multitude of events. The Annual Art Award, the Tennis Tournament, the Station Gallery, markets, the Tournament Sundowner and of course, all the other establishments, including the East End Gallery.

Looking forward to greeting all our visitors in Heavenly Beverley over the next six days!

Hang onto your hat and enjoy the ride!

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