Wednesday 10 June 2015

Update of My Living Room's Spring Clean. Hang on, It's Only June....

Good morning, world. Apart from a pointedly worded letter I still have to pen to the Federal Treasurer, I am in fine form. That will be tonight's project. I can hardly wait. This turkey quoted that the housing crisis affordability would be solved if everyone just, wait...wait...wait,,,pulled their fingers out and secured a job that pays good money! I think I'll send my response by both e-mail and snail mail. That way, somebody in that idiot's office will have to acknowledge my correspondence.
Yesterday, I finished the re-vamp of my living room. And the study. I worked out how to shorten my standard lamp into a table lamp. That really stretched the little grey cells. The couches have been reversed. There were tumbleweeds, bird seed - courtesy of the pirate parrot - cashews and other nuts - courtesy of Michael - and a lonesome orphan vino bottle cap under the couches. We didn't know the top was even missing as we never have leftover wine.
My living room looked like it was engaging in a game of Twister for quite a few hours. I managed to clean both sides of the glass top of the coffee table without dropping it. I think breaking a piece of glass that size would have incurred about 77 000 years bad luck.

I sorted cookery books, some of which haven't seen the light of day for many moons. In a stroke of genius, I gave the ones to be discarded a temporary home in our footstool. Michel nearly broke his toe trying to move the footstool in the evening. I must have forgotten to tell him it was now the weight of a fairly hefty baby elephant.

I pondered (briefly) rationalising the DVD collection. That was too difficult a task. As well, we might just want to watch "The Blues Brothers" again on a whim in about fifteen years. However, I did decide it was time for our five remaining VCR tapes to go, particularly since one of them was stuck inside the VCR unit. Like a recalcitrant toddler, the unit had grabbed hold of the tape, munched it beyond recognition and was refusing to surrender it. The unit with the dear departed tape went out to the bin. The remainder of the tapes I will see if I can give away!
And yes, I even moved the TV unit out and in again. Briefly and with some trepidation. The reason it's so heavy is not entirely due to the 500 DVDs in residence. It also houses my original dinner set from my first marriage, some other good china put away for its safety and our ancient television, which is about as far removed from a flat screen as you can get. The TV boasts it's a Flatron, whatever that is, which actually translates into a flattish screen with an enormous box behind it. We even had another one of these monstrosities, but that television died a crackling, smoking death some years ago.
Anyway, whilst making sure my head with its attached ears were nowhere near the space between the unit and the wall, I successfully heaved it back into position. Very pleased with the end result. Even though this morning, the floorboards look like I haven't vacuumed in months...
No reports and no injuries. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment.

Why am I spring cleaning in winter?! I'm never early from anything.

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