Friday 5 June 2015

One Very Houseproud Couple.

We enjoyed a wonderful sleepover on Wednesday night. With Callum and Bronwyn in their really lovely new home. Building a house is like having a baby. The length of time for construction seems extraordinarily long, with unforeseen hiccups that can try the patience of a saint. Then somehow, it all comes together for a grand finale. The first days in a new home are fraught with irritations and anxieties and exhaustion. Slowly, all the hopes and dreams materialise into this one entity. And then you are filled with wonder at its creation. Congratulations, Callum and Bron, you are the proud parents of your home.

We arrived after they'd undertaken a frenzy of tidying. They were thrilled to show off their house. and we were thrilled to be there with them. We enjoyed wine and nibbles and a very tasty dinner indeed. I watched them together, taking such pride in their home, and loved their pleasure.

Bronwyn stayed up as late as she could. As a full-time preprimary teacher, she gets very tired indeed. She finally had to retire. Callum wasn't long after her. Michael and I were very comfortable and cosy in their guest room. Bronwyn had already left by the time we woke up the next morning.

Cal had a job interview to attend. The previous restaurant where he'd been a manager had unfortunately closed just after Mothers' Day. So, with his trademark enthusiasm, he left us to look after the house. And Ragnar.

Ragnar is an exploding fur ball of energy in the shape of a ragdoll kitten. With a seal point Siamese face and colouring, ultra blue eyes and hairstyle by powerpoint, he has taken over their home and their hearts. And he kept us entertained all morning. Utterly fearless, fascinated by movement and hilariously inept, he had us laughing the whole time. I nearly catnapped him.

We waved Callum and their house goodbye after he returned from his interview. And we promised to stay again. How could not enjoy the company of this young couple, who have a welcoming home and the most engaging kitten on the planet?

We'll be back.

How a ballroom dancer poses in his kitchen!

Relief and exhaustion at the end of their moving day.

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