Saturday 20 February 2016

The Time of Our Lives

Yesterday, I watched a video of "Dirty Dancing" featuring the extraordinary Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, all the way from 1987. Whilst I mourn the loss of this wonderful dancer and actor, he has left a joyful and uplifting legacy. I challenge anyone to watch "(I've Had) the Time of My Life" dance sequence and not smile.

Which started me thinking. Michael and I have had the time of our lives over the last seven years. We've had our struggles, we've had sadness and happiness, we've been hurt, we've been angry. We've laughed and cried and looked out for each other.

We've had three theme songs. "Loveshack" was played as the prelude to our wedding, "Miss Sarajevo" illustrated the siege we felt we'd endured to stay together and "It's a Wonderful World" was the celebration to herald our continuing partnership.

Ten years ago, I had been separated from my first husband for twelve months. If I'd looked into a crystal ball and seen myself as I am now, the curator of a country art gallery, I'd have shaken my head in disbelief. As for living with the gentle, tolerant and creative man that Michael is, I used to pinch myself for the first few years we were together. Meeting the love of my life at forty-seven was not on my agenda at all.

This morning, Michael proved, once more, that he is the sexiest man alive.We are still trying to sell the House that Rocks and the floors were disgusting. I asked Michael if he'd vacuum whilst I opened up the Gallery. Which he did. That is my test of an awesome husband!

We've had plenty of guests on this lovely summer afternoon. Needless to say, the finishing touches are still proceeding. Michael has just about finished putting up the last hanging rails in the Gallery section. Most people are highly amused when I explain we have had the Gallery in the middle of a renovation site for the last fourteen months.

I am bopping along to Boz Scaggs. Michael thinks my taste in music is questionable at present. I've just smiled at him cheerfully and totally ignored his opinion. Later, I have no doubt I will be listening to his questionable taste in music.

And that is the key to our happiness. We work as a team, but we allow each other freedom. We share so many common interests, but we may not actually be together whilst pursuing those activities. When we are in the Gallery, we have different roles. When we go bush, we often wander off separately, whilst still being aware of each other's presence. At home, we share some responsibilities, but there is definitely some demarcation. Michael will not let me paint, mow the lawn or whipper snip. He mutters about me glueing the window shut and makes some excuse that I'll chop my leg off if I use implements with blades...

He quite openly prefers for me to be front of house at the Gallery. Social media, our website and producing letters or posters are all parts of my domain. And I certainly couldn't do what he does. There would undoubtedly be nasty consequences if I had a bash at welding...

The metal artist and chief renovator has put his feet up out the back and is having a beer. I am considering opening the bar...who am I kidding? I have just poured myself a lovely glass of vino.

All is well in our world. We are having the time of our lives.

How I feel...

through the archway to the Giftshop ( with new picture rail)...

into the Gallery...

from the front to the back of ninety square metres...

The Beverley Hillbillies having the time of our lives.

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