Friday 12 February 2016

Keeping Cool in a Blast Furnace.

I haven't written that much during the last few days. Along with the rest of the Wheatbelt, we have endured a protracted heat wave. Last Saturday and Sunday, we were given a taste of the approaching scorching. Temperatures just below 40 degrees Celcius ( about 102 Fahrenheit) were, frankly unpleasant. In hindsight, that was the good news. Between Monday and Thursday, the temperature gravitated between 41 and 45 (106 and 113). Today is a tad cooler; the forecast a moderately cooler 37. Supposedly. At five in the afternoon, the temperature is 37.5 and going up!

Yesterday I travelled to the dietician, visited the library and survived the supermarket. The dietician was easy. I have lost weight - a whopping 2 kilos in three months. So I'm still fat, I still drink copious amounts of vino and I have not felt like exercising for quite some time. At least, Shenae has a sense of humour. I resolved to reduce my consumption of vino to 2 standards drinks a day. I think I may have told a fib...

Feeling slightly guilty, I decided to park Goldie at the library in the shade and walk down Fitzgerald Street. In 44 degree heat...My cheap little metal earrings became so superheated, one burnt the side of my neck! Ouch.

The library was an oasis of cool and quiet. My legs had gone wobbly, so I sat hastily in a corner on the floor. Once my core temperature had dropped, I enjoyed a very pleasant half hour or so choosing new books.

The supermarket was busy. Naturally, management chose to close all but one checkout. I actually didn't care. I stood in the air conditioning, lowered a cone of silence over me and waited for the lass in front of me to pay a King's ransom for her enormous trolley piled with her groceries.

I cooled down considerably during the drive home. I unpacked and tried to charge my laptop with the new charging gizmo. Frustrated I drove to York for a scheduled doctor's appointment. All the elderly ladies in the waiting room were comparing how hot the temperature had been on their verandahs. The first liar didn't stand a chance!

I arrived home about fifteen minutes before our friend Larissa, her step-son Mac and their Weimaraner Shiloh drove into the shade of our front eucalyptus. The heat was still outrageous. They had already stayed one night and gratefully accepted the offer to gatecrash for a second night. Their sea container home had no air conditioning...

Larissa brought enough food to feed the Fifth Batallion. At dusk, we sat outside for a while. The intense fierceness of the day had subsided and I went for a swim. Bliss. However, once the mozzies returned, we all retired inside the House that Rocks for the rest of the night. Shiloh thoroughly enjoyed her stay. She slept on the bed next to Larissa, her Weimaraner head contentedly on the other pillow.

And so, in no particular order, are my tips for staying as cool as possible during the bloody hot weather -

  • hibernate during the day, if possible. Only come out after dark.
  • seek air conditioning. If you don't have it, go somewhere that does.
  • cold showers, baths or a swim are a must. Play with the hose whilst watering the gasping garden.
  • do NOT wear metal earrings outside.
  • fire up the BBQ to reduce heat and mess and crankiness.
  • Make sure to alternate a glass of water with a glass of vino!
  • do not expect miracles from anyone. You may be asking to have your head bitten off.
  • Fantasise about Hobart.
  • And remember, we will all be whinging about the cold in a few months.
What an awesome thought!

Michael back to his usual state working in the East End Gallery...

the thermometer in Northam was broken...

Mike's dash cam melted in his the shade...

never wear metal earrings on a really hot day...

pretty accurate...

Sascha and Shiloh both sit like this..

Shiloh enjoying the comforts of the House that Rocks.