Monday 8 February 2016

A Slob Day

I'm sitting here in the delight of the air-conditioning, sipping a glass of extremely pleasant semillon sauvignon blanc from Victoria. At six-thirty in the evening, with the temperature hovering still around the old century (37.3 Celcius), I am wearing nothing but a beach towel. Michael is more formally clad. He's in his pyjama bottoms.

Today is the first Slob Day I've had in a while. As the day became a scorcher, there was no point in planning very much at all. I watered the delicates, the seedlings and the pots this morning. At eight-thirty, it was a positively chilly 34. Michael had been going to rise, but had suffered from a complete Failure to Launch. I didn't mind. He made me an exquisite morning cup of tea when I entered the House that Rocks.

I had turned off the air-conditioning during the early hours of the morning and flung the windows open. I could tell that the night was warm as we had a Weimaraner lying on the toilet floor, a Beagle in our bedroom behind a chair and the Jack Russell stretched out next to our bed. During the night, all three took great delight in playing musical rooms. One of the few downsides of wooden floors is that dogs' toenails click... Michael was aware of every manoeuvre and did not sleep well.

The air-conditioning was resumed at nine-thirty. The pace at the House that Rocks was gentle. Dishes, removal of insect corpses from the benches, dusting and vacuuming (by my beloved husband) took up the majority of the day. Michael retired for an early afternoon nap and only woke because some idiot call centre rang our landline.

We watched a suitably unintellectual DVD this afternoon. Lots of action, comedy and an evil lunatic who received his comeuppance. And our hero got the girl. Excellent.

This evening we ventured outside. The pool is clean. And wonderfully refreshing. Not cold at all. We then sauntered around the property, admiring the deceased ants' nests and calthrop - an exceedingly nasty weed with very sharp prickly thorns. It was most unwell.

Back inside. My second glass of vino. We are both on our computers, dogs stretched around us, comfortable with air-conditioning. Down to 36.5. Tomorrow we look forward to 43...then two days of 44...Friday will see a cool change - down to 40. Saturday I will need a cardigan - the forecast is currently for only 33.

And we brought the pirate parrot inside too. He gravitates from being extremely rude to making a dreadful mess.

Wish Western Australia luck for the next few days!

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