Wednesday 26 June 2019

Splish, Splash, Splosh, We're Having A Wash!

We woke to very threatening skies and whipping winds in Beacon. We were slow to get going. We knew we wanted to leave ahead of the rain band, but breakfast, washing up and packing stuff away all had priority. As we left Beacon, the rain was pitter-pattering. We were still confident that we could tackle the gravel of Maroubra Road to Paynes Find, which should have cut a good chunk of travelling time. The caravan park manager, who also ran the Beacon General Store assured us that Maroubra Road had been quite fine the previous day.

The rain became heavier. Maroubra Road was showing an ugly side. Slosh, mud and water. I was a tad nervous. Michael was enjoying the trip more, as he was experienced at this kind of adventure driving. That was until Digger began dancing from side to side. Lily and Michael then engaged in a frenetic quickstep, hurtling from left to right and back again. By this stage, I was more than a bit PANICKED.

Michael and Lily wrestled control back and straightened Digger out of his skid. We drove cautiously for the rest of the trip. Michael was brilliant. He'd had plenty of practice navigating the wet and the mud in any number of vehicles, but never with a two and a half tonne caravan in tow. He remained calm and confident in his abilities. Apart from a few squeaks and the odd episode of hyperventilating, I held myself more or less together. Nevertheless, we were delighted to make Paynes Find after a hair-raising three hours. In one piece.

Toilet breaks, a chat with some other roadhouse visitors and we left for Mount Magnet. The awful truth had been revealed. We'd discovered that we'd left the padded toilet seat at home. This is a real issue. Looking at some agreeable camping in remote spaces, neither Michael nor I were capable of squatting to perform number twos. Hence, the need for a camping toilet seat. If anywhere would stock one, the Mount Magnet hardware store was in with a good chance.

We arrived just before dark. There was no camping toilet seat at the Mount Magnet hardware shop. However, they did suggest a possible alternative, involving a milk crate, a hacksaw and a plastic toilet seat. We said we'd sleep on it.

The Mount Magnet Caravan Park was pretty full. Bill organised us a powered site and we finished setting up just as the rain began pelting down. We've had dinner, a few vinos and are toasty warm inside Digger. The telly has sprung into life.

And Digger and Lily are having a well-deserved wash.

Fun and games on Maroubra Road

Finally at Paynes Find

A couple of fellow travellers...

Sunset en route to Mount Magnet...

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