Wednesday 28 December 2016

Never, Ever A Dull Moment!

The last few days have been yet another wild ride for the Beverley Hillbillies. Wednesday turned into a marathon of shopping, lunch and an urgent specialist appointment to look at Michael's lip.

This situation had been precipitated by a visit to our GP after the fun of the dentist on Tuesday afternoon. Doctor Susie had taken one look at the peculiar growth in the corner of Michael's mouth and helped us set up an appointment with a dermatologist the next day.

By the time we were admitted into Doctor Daram's inner sanctum, half past four had come and gone. He was suspicious of the lesion, believing Michael would need a fairly major procedure to remove the whole area. In the meantime, he biopsied the lump and sent the specimen off for urgent pathology. We finally left Perth behind at dusk, stopping for pizza and arriving home at eight thirty.

We were still exhausted the following morning so we lay low for the day. Friday turned out to be (thankfully) a wonderful anti-climax. Returning to see Doctor Daram, the offending tissue had turned out to be nothing more sinister than a wart. Which had been removed. We were so incredibly relieved that, in a second, we were grinning like hyenas, and hungry enough to eat a medieval banquet.

We celebrated by buying lunch, a beautiful bar of sandalwood soap and some new plants for our remaining empty terracotta pots. Home after tea and cake with Lucky.

Saturday I decided to open the Gallery. Up early and into front-of-house mode. Hot, sticky and uneventful. Three of our artists dropped in to chat. We ended up on a dinner date with Jan and Greg at their cool air-conditioned house. Bliss.

Christmas Day we repotted our newest arrivals of our "garden", and weeded three heavily grassed pots, rewarding ourselves with numerous scratches and substantial backaches. Dinner was another pair of frozen dinners, which were surprisingly yummy. We fell into bed.

Boxing Day was Lucky's 90th birthday in Toodyay. Family gatherings are often a combination of enjoyment, boredom, comedy and irritation. Everybody eats too much. Sweat, noise and over-the-top behaviour. We still had a wonderful day with Lucky and the other members of the family, but the assault on our senses was jarring. We really had turned into Beverley Hillbillies.

Today, the weather blasted through with a cool change. Once again, we were shattered. The day passed by at a very relaxed rate. Michael helped me clean our little home. How romantic..And all the time, we assumed the Beagle was snoozing under our bed.

She wasn't. She had absconded without permission. Again. We searched for her without success. We didn't know whether she would find her way back. We were apprehensive and anxious. Then, just around sunset, the naughty little dog came sauntering back up the hallway, her innocent Beagle grin splitting her face. No remorse whatsoever.

Tomorrow, we are planning another quiet day to recover...With the Beagle confined to barracks.

My lovely father-in-law on his 90th birthday

Who's that handsome fellow?

A nautical themed cake.

Lucky and the kids.

Ready, steady, blow.

Cutting the cakes with Wendy and Zoe.

 We still have a garden!

The pots that have now been filled.

And the defendant...

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