Thursday 7 April 2016

Jumping in the Deep End...

We appear to have hit the jackpot, again.  Not quite forty-eight hours ago, we picked up our latest HelpXers from Perth Airport. Basile and Pascaline had just survived twenty-two hours of flying time...By the time we arrived at the House that Rocks and gave them something to eat, they had been awake for twenty-seven hours.

Yesterday, they slept until mid afternoon. We just had time to take them to the bank and open accounts for them. Then I asked at the bottom pub if they had any paid work going. The kids are keen to earn some money as well as help us. The dream is to buy a car and travel around the Great Southern Land for the next ten or eleven months.

Last night, they applied for Tax File Numbers online and printed off their resumes. Bas knew more about my printer than I do...

This morning they received a favourable response from the pub. This is to be confirmed on Saturday. As well, I have lined them up as flag wavers at the Motocross track on Sunday. Cash in hand and lunch - brilliant. If all goes well, they will have paid work during the week and can help us on the weekends.

Today, they have begun helping Michael clear out the workshop. They have been introduced to a red-back spider and a juvenile dugite close up. Both creatures were dispatched promptly, which caused Pascaline to flee momentarily into the Gallery. I am sure she will become used to this kind of action soon enough.

They are working like navvies. They are enthusiastic, energetic and eager. What a combination. And to top it all off, they are going with Michael to look at a car this afternoon to see if it is suitable for their needs. They are so fantastically happy with their stay so far and we are thrilled for them.

Methinks it's time to open a bottle of champagne tonight.

Stay tuned for Bas and Pascaline's next adventure!

Some cool dude prior to arriving in Perth...

Paris to Amsterdam...

Amsterdam to Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi to Perth...

Pascaline on the eve of their Great Adventure.

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