Tuesday 3 January 2023


Today is the third day of 2023. And I'm thinking about wishes for the coming year. I started considering wishes, rather than resolutions, as a way of coping with the daily news grind that continues to buffet us all, whether we like it or not. The war in Ukraine is continuing, a young Wheatbelt bloke was killed in a crash, which was the first road fatality of 2023, two helicopters collided at a theme park on the Gold Coast, the Murray - Darling Rivers flooding marches relentlessly onwards and a missing dog was picked up by a local Beverley couple, enjoyed a day at the beach and was then reunited with her owners...

Hang on,,,that's a Good News story. Straight out of the Beverley WA Buy, Sell and Notices Facebook page, where I venture when I need balance and as Shaun Micallef would say so eloquently, Plain Speakin'. This page is about real people, going about their daily lives, buying, selling or giving away goods, sharing stories, rescuing animals, warning of hazzards  (like sheep on the road or a tree blown over) and helping others. The Beverley WA Buy, Sell and Notices page may not report the major news of the nation or the world, but is keenly relevant for those of us lucky enough to live in Heavenly Beverley.

And wishes don't have to be earth-shattering or extravagant or selfless or flights of fancy. Wishes can be small, intimate, practical or heartfelt. They are still wishes. but sometimes they become solutions as well.

Take my lunch, for example. Michael was snoozing, I was hungry and so I wandered in the direction of the fridge. Initially bored with the contents and wishing for a snack with a bit of spiciness, I remembered the cold pizza lurking in a Tupperware container. One piece for me, two pieces for Michael. Problem solvered...

Then I began thinking about dinner. Needless to say, like many of us, we have leftovers. A chicken roll with honey and macadamia. I didn't feel like a tagine or a curry. I wished for another alternative. Then, a light-bulb moment! Risotto with crisp capsicum, lightly blanched spinach, tomato paste, onion and garlic, a generous dash of vino and Bob's your uncle. 

Our stomachs sorted for the day, I did start to imagine more deep and meaningful wishes. Yet, I wanted to keep my wishes realistic and achievable. Except then I remembered our myriad Christmas miracles that occurred after all seemed lost...

Maybe there is something about wishing upon a star, as Geppetto showed in that wonderful fairy tale about longing, temptation and redemption. I think that praying to the God you follow or gazing with love at the universe are also powerful tools for us all.  I believe that sometimes we need to stop and consider our wishes, no matter their worth or importance. Wishes may be just the way to change our behaviour as well, making us all more loving, kinder and living, rather than just existing.

 And so,  in no particular order, here are my personal wishes for 2023 (and they do include world peace) -

  • don't be shy about declaring love - we never know what tomorrow might bring.
  • leave arguments at the door of the bedroom.
  • hug your children, partner, family and friends (and ask for a hug in return).
  • stop, think, do! When driving a car or riding a motorbike or towing a van or behind the wheel of a roadtrain, we all need our wits about us. And for everybody's sake, don't drive tired or affected by alcohol or drugs.
  • think about risk (boring I know) but it might save your life.
  • appreciate the simple - like a piece of pizza for lunch.
  • get involved in the funny or the ridiculous -  laugh out loud, snort, pee, fart - enjoy. 
  • always carry a spare pair of knickers.
  • be there. It doesn't matter if you are late or befuddled or was lost or couldn't find a car park. Just turn up.
  • ask for help. From everyone. Be brave.
  • embrace yourself. There is nobody else in the world quite like you.

The biggies of climate action and world peace may seem beyond our grasp to fix by ourselves, but if we all try to do better and be better,  maybe the sky is the limit. 

Just like the lost dog who went to the beach for the day with caring people before snoozing on her own bed safely at home.

 A few of those I love -






 Laugh at the ridiculous!

 But we can still be serious...

Wish away...



Try to keep everything in perspective and REAL...

And please, please try not to become a statistic.
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