Thursday 2 May 2019

The Trouble With Dribbles

Finally, a quiet spot in this afternoon to catch up on a post. Jan and I are sitting very companionably in the Gallery. She is playing with beads to create more of her beautiful jewellery.  No other artists turned up to our Playday, which is unusual. Maybe the cold morning kept them away.

However, I was certainly busy enough, welcoming guests to the Gallery including the inimitable Liz Ford and her husband Stephen (affectionately known as Moose). Liz and I have been Facebook friends for a number of years so I was delighted to meet her in person. And once I saw Moose, his nickname was self-explanatory. He is very tall and broad and very fit.

This week has flown. Again. Tuesday was shopping in the Big smoke with Jan, catching up with Callum and Vanessa as well. Spotlight, supermarket and Hills' Fresh fruit and veg. Yesterday was stretch class with Janet, tidying up and hosing the Pirate parrot's cage. He rewarded me by having a bath in his water this morning and drenching the clean newspaper I'd replaced. Plus, the seemingly endless task of mopping up Pip Piddle.

Monday had been Vet Check Day with most of the menagerie. Her Majesty the cat had been summoned for the all-clear after her bout with Feline Ideopathic Cystitis. This was a bladder inflammation that presents with no bacteria whatsoever. Apparently caused by stress or change of lifestyle. Neither of which the cat has experienced. The treatment for her distress was a wonderfully floaty pain relief injection and a long term antibiotic. Once Madame Cat had her pain removed, she became incredibly happy and smoochy for a number of days. By which time, her cystitis had been resolved.

Ruby the Problem Child had a full health check. She continues to be handsome if a trifle fat, She also had a urine test, her ears and teeth passed muster, her nails clipped and vaccinations given. For once, she was the cheapest of the animals to attend the veterinarian.

Bloody Pip was by far the most trouble. Having conned us into buying him his own couch, he has also developed a laissez-faire approach to going outside for piddling at night. The little bastard is quite capable of hopping through the dog door; he demonstrated this skill this morning when I saw him outside with his leg in the air, producing a steaming wee in the early morning chill. In the past, Pip was medicated for anxiety, however, he appeared to have mellowed in the country. Until now.

Ingrid, one of our Vets to the Stars, suggested that the Very Alert Jack Russell may have re-developed High Anxiety. His urinalysis was clear, so there was no infection to explain being caught short. We prefer to adhere to the theory that he is just a lazy little shit. Which could explain the multiple puddles that we are enduring throughout Station House lately. Reluctantly, we have decided to bow to The Inevitable and go down the anxiety line. We are purchasing a Pheromone Collar for Pip as a "Grasping at Straws" trial to aid his mental well-being. And hopefully, reduce the numbers of dribbles all over the floors that are trying our patience. Wish us luck.

The bad news is that the elusive collar will not arrive at the vets' practice until mid-May. So, we still have to wait a couple of weeks of potential piddling. We are counting the days. In the meantime, our house will continue to smell like a Fish n' Chips shop, due to the vast quantities of vinegar I am sploshing on Pip's puddles.

The Pirate Parrot and stooge...

Madame Cat...

Mister Pip...

The Problem Child

The cat's opinion about the travel carrier...

A different viewpoint...


Ruby in trouble...tied up in the Gallery...

Pip being a suckhole...

The cat not giving a shit!

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