Friday 9 February 2018

Surviving Withdrawal Symptoms

Friday night in Sharon, high above the Burnett River in Simon's house, listening to the geckos and watching spiders busily weaving their traps for unlucky and unwary bugs.

We have just returned from a marvellous evening at RiverFeast in Bundaberg. The old marine TAFE has been transformed into a marketplace bulging with stalls of handicrafts, food, and drinks. Big indoor and outdoor areas right on the river add to the ambience.

We spent a very pleasant couple of hours there. We browsed, we sat and watched the river, we had drinks and we chose food to sample after much deliberation. We chose a tasting plate from Michelle and her team. Look out for her food. Arancini balls stuffed with prawns, shallots, and parmesan, along with chicken quesadillas and dukkah coated chicken with couscous. The arancini and quesadillas were divine. The dukkah chicken shone less, only because the other dishes were so outstanding. And for twenty dollars, we were more than satisfied. A big thank you to them all at Michelle's stall.

I am able to return to my beloved blog after a rest cure for my laptop. Thursday morning was torture for us both. My screen would freeze or become unresponsive for no apparent reason. Plus the speed of loading was at snail's pace. Something was seriously wrong.

After a couple of false starts, I decided to give Micro Computers a go. The affable Flynn was able to accept my laptop immediately and hoped all would be well in a day. The other mob I phoned were double the price and expected to hold my computer for ransom over three or four days. A no-brainer.

Flynn kept us in the loop for the whole forty-eight hours of my laptop's incarceration. Virus scan showed nothing. The hard drive was ok. A bit of malware was removed. The culprit seemed to be a backlog of Windows updates and a sluggish RAM. Why did this occur? Ask Microsoft.

Anyway, after he'd serviced and cleaned my laptop, Flynn set about downloading the updates. Eight hours later, the job was finally done. Then he added some extra RAM to hurry up my speed and replaced an absent screw. He also tried to solve the puzzle of Michael's difficulty in sending e-mails. This was caused by the removal of Windows Live Mail on his new laptop, an e-mail programme that had been so successful, it was superceded by, and thus, would not be supported by Microsoft anymore. Brilliant.

I hadn't considered how attached I was to cyberspace via my laptop. My phone and I do not receive e-mails due to total confusion and as for accessing Facebook on my phone, my password there is a complete mystery. So I spent forty-eight hours isolated from the internet and I was aware of every second. Interesting.

This post has been in my head, increasing in subject matter for two days. I am so pleased I received my laptop back from Flynn this afternoon. Otherwise, I am afraid my head may have exploded.

Meanwhile, wisdom is forthcoming outside Elliott's Book Shop on Bing Bong Street -

The outlook @ RiverFeast

Michelle and sidekick -

Karen of Meleika Designs -

and the piece de resistance - chicken quesadilla, arancini and dukkah-coated chicken with couscous.

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