Thursday 23 March 2017

Another Memorable Encounter with Centrelink.

Having had no correspondence from Centrelink for a couple of weeks, I knew this situation was too good to last. Yesterday, yet another automated letter was spat through our post slot in the front door of the Gallery.

Centrelink required me to submit bank statements from the last three months of 2016 in order to assess the correct amount of my "Age Pension". What the fuck?! I know I have been looking a tad ragged lately but I didn't think I yet resembled one of the elderly set.

What really infuriated me was these were exactly the same bank statements (give or take a month) that Centrelink had received from us thirty-eight days ago. Those same bank statement were to check Michael was receiving the appropriate amount of his Disability Support Pension, according to Centrelink. Even better, these are exactly the same bank statements we submitted to Centrelink in January this year after the sale of the house.

Give me strength.

I was already hyperactive and edgy by this morning. I had spoken to Lucky last night from his bed in ICU. He was very tired, slightly disoriented and difficult to understand.  This development worried me and I repeated my concerns to Michael. Hence we found ourselves on the road to the Big Smoke by eleven o'clock with the primary goal to see Lucky for ourselves. I was also revved up for a visit to Centrelink in Midland with the required statements. Again.

Stops for road works and random breath testing hampered our progress. We didn't arrive in Midland until twelve thirty. We went straight up to see Lucky in ICU. A restless night, breathlessness and a frequent cough were not adding up to anything other than misery for my darling father-in-law. He had lost all interest in food and was very uncomfortable, but still with his trademark stoicism and good humour. We met with one of the consultants this afternoon, who spelled out what we already knew. Lucky was very frail, very unwell and his body was attempting to cope with many problems.

We went to lunch and decided to return home for the night but come back to Midland tomorrow morning. Michael stayed with Lucky and Sandra whilst I launched forth to Centrelink. By this stage, I was furious at a complete waste of my time.

The queue to the 'meet and greet" inside Centrelink took about ten minutes for me to reach the front of the line. Then, in a caring and sharing way, I let rip with my frustration at having to produce the same documentation three times in three months. Apart from all the other assessment and adjustments of our pensions that had taken up hours and hours over days and days.

The poor sod greeting me was actually sympathetic. He thought the reference to "Age Pension" was appalling, especially as I receive a Carer's Payment. He couldn't understand why Centrelink seemed to require the same statements when they already had them on file. He promised to photocopy them immediately and give them back so I could be on my way.

The line behind me was open mouthed. Applause and the thumbs up gesture followed. I hastened to add, in view of his rapid response, to insist I knew Centrelink staff were blameless but I would go to jail if I killed the responsible politicians. Came a gruff voice from the back of the line - "but it would be worth it!"

My statements handed back, I reiterated that I was clinging to the faint  hope that this would be the end of communication between us and Centrelink for the foreseeable future.

We live in hope.

Home this evening. We are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. We are off tomorrow - very early for us. We would be really chuffed if you could send Lucky love and light and ask the universe and the gods to look after him.

Fools to the left of me, jokers to the right...

stuck in the middle with you.

And the winner is...!

Lucky and Judy at our wedding.

At the Sofoulis Family gathering, May last year.

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