Friday 2 September 2016

Moving Mountains and Swatting Blowflies

Spring is trying really hard to arrive. For the past few days, the sun has been appearing from behind the winter blanket of clouds from time to time, attempting to cheer us out of the grey and cold. Not that we should be complaining. We are let off pretty lightly in Heavenly Beverley. Madlen, our first HelpXer, remarked that mid-winter in Beverley was much more reminiscent of spring where she came from in Germany.

Loic and Manon, our latest backpackers fell somewhat into the myth Australia is always warm. After travelling through Europe and Asia in the Northern Hemisphere summer, they are once more having to dive into their packs in search of warmer clothes. Loic currently looks very fetching in one of Michael's high vis shirts. And Gary has offered one of his jackets.

There have been staying with us for precisely eight days. In that time, they have been out with Michael, twice, collecting firewood for both the house and the Gallery. And their presence has galvanised Michael into some semblance of action. Instead of peeking furtively into the sheds, becoming instantly overwhelmed and running away, having willing hands, brains and the energy of youth with us has forced hm to Begin the Relocation of Twenty Years of Metal. As well as millions of nuts, bolts, nails, tacks, tools, cabinets and other Miscellaneous Items.

Ninety squares metres sounds quite big. Michael's workshop is actually larger than our house. Along with Loic and Manon, Michael has been filling this space and discovering just how much he possesses. And we haven't even begun to tackle the metal piled in our spare paddock. Out of sight, out of mind? The grass is now so tall in this area that the metal lurking beneath is almost impossible to spot. We will have to clear the paddock of metal before the weather starts warming up. Otherwise, snakes may take up residence and that could be a tad nasty for all concerned.

And we are very aware that Loic and Manon are here for a limited period. We can't expect them to stay too long with us. Naturally, they are after paid work in order to purchase the required vehicle to continue their own personal Voyage en Australie. I shared the Top 50 of Western Australia with them on Facebook last night. And if they can get their 2nd Year Visas through work, that gives them plenty of time to see this amazingly vast continent.

In spite of spring's slowish progression, there is a crowd of unwelcome creatures who appear to have received the "thumbs up" of the coming  warmer weather.  Blowflies have descended upon us with a vengeance. Rather like the Scarlet Pimpernel, I seek them here, I seek them there, I seek them everywhere. As soon as the door opens in the Gallery, they swarm inside with gay abandon. Vanessa took great delight in swatting as many as possible whilst I was out at the chemist. When I suggested she could use the insect spray, her amusing response was "where's the sport in that?".

Given a couple of months, I have no doubt we will be whinging about summer. So, I should be grateful for this prolonged cool spell. And I am. The Arrangement of the Workshop would not have been possible in forty degree heat.

Vale Loic and Manon.

Just the odd horseshoe and a few other bits of metal...

still life of Dory and a couple of mill balls (in every container on the ground)...

Shelves tidier than they have ever been!

But wait, there's more.

Another great day's work.

Loic has just discovered the cost of fags in Beverley!

And the Metal Artist, looking rather like the cat that swallowed the canary.

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