Sunday 29 May 2016

A Most Unboring Artists' Group

Thursdays at the East End Gallery are taking on a life of their own. The Artists' Group is in full swing now and has become a juggernaut of friendship and fun. The Artists' Group is not a workshop or a class. There is no designated teacher as such. Just a bunch of different people who are all connected by art. Thursdays have become a chance to set aside time to be creative together.

Kerry, currently the only bloke, seems completely at ease with a mini harem of women. He and Loma are staying at our local caravan park. I've even forgotten where they have come from originally. Kerry is a self-taught painter and all around good guy. He is quite critical of himself as an artist and tends to be totally focused on his work whilst in the Gallery.

Lyn just wants to prove to herself that she is an artistic person (the rest of us know that already). She has produced a beautiful little copy of an abstract Miro painting. Talk about pleased as punch. Last Thursday she brought lunch - an absolutely delicious chicken, sweet potato and capsicum soup with cheesy curried muffins. Disappearing for a couple of hours for an appointment, she returned and joined back in as if she had never been away.

Mitch has only been once as she is painting her house whilst she has willing volunteers. However, she wowed us all with an upsized painting of a corrella that she was wanting to improve. We look forward to having her back when she is ready.

Linda treats Thursdays as her day out. Gleefully and contagiously chatty, she usually brings sandwiches for us all to share. She is working on her sketching at present and was thrilled when Kerry offered a few suggestions when she was becoming disgruntled with her drawing. She hopes to move onto watercolours - something she has been longing to do since she was a girl.

Denese has yet to formally join our merry band as she has been tied up with winter colds and babysitting small granddaughters. She dropped in with three-year-old Hannah, who was very well behaved, enjoyed some morning tea and drew a picture with Nan's help. We look forward to Denese being able to attend in the near future.

Margaret from York is somebody else I am hoping to entice to our Artists' Group. She lives and breathes art - quilting, painting, making soaps and plaster plaques. She ran an impromptu children's painting class for me recently and was in danger of being worshipped by the accompanying mothers, who had a cup of tea and could view the Gallery at their leisure.  And she also is keen on watercolours herself, which would be a bonus for Linda.

As for me, after a hectic weekend, I am delighted to take a breather and slow down for a few days. But, fear not, it will be all systems go for our next group this Thursday from 11 am.

Drop in for a cuppa and view our artists at play.

Linda with a Thursday smile.

Kerry hard at work.

Lyn with her Miro canvas.

Mitch was all concentration.

Kerry, still not entirely satisfied!

And Lyn's Miro.

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