Saturday 5 December 2015

Two New Artists Join the East End Gallery

Once again, the East End Gallery is full to capacity. The resident metal (and mental) artist is toiling away on the final filling of the cracks. Sounds almost biblical, doesn't it? I am sure that Michael will sink to his knees and thank the Almighty when the project is finished. The current estimated completion date is early in 2016. We live in hope...

The joy will come when we open up the back quarter of the Gallery. What a space it will be then. We can hardly wait. At around 150 square metres, we will have more room to spread out, display the art pieces better, have more plinths and the layout to enable us to have one man shows, workshops, our resident artists and offer studio space.

In the meantime, we are squeezing in six new paintings. Tina Hinchcliffe is an abstract artist who lives on a property outside Quairading. She works with acrylics and mixed media to create penetrating works of great depth and has presented us with five astounding pieces.

Tina also supplied the sixth painting, a large piece called "A Special Afternoon in June" by PJ Widdup, an elderly Perth artist. Mrs Widdup uses a primitive style in her paintings. The simplicity does not detract from the loveliness of the piece. In fact, the viewer is drawn to the brushwork, the shading and the overall effect. The scene depicts a garden party on a sunny afternoon and encourages a feeling of  almost childlike joy.

This weekend is offering perfect weather to pay a visit to the East End Gallery. We've had glorious rain for nearly twenty-four hours, the heat is absent and the town and surroundings look freshly washed and pleasantly green.

We look forward to seeing you and showing off all our artists and their works.

"Lost City 1"  

"Lost City 2"

"After the Storm 1"

"After the Storm 2"

"Glass Bottom Boat"

"A Special Afternoon at June's"

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