Sunday 26 November 2023

Hi Ho Hi Ho, It's Off To Work (Play) We Go!

I have definitely turned into a grumpy old woman. This week has been exceedingly trying. Plus, just about any minor annoyance is irritating me intensely. Rubbish on the pavement. Broken beer stubbies. A mummified rabbit carcass which Stella rolled all over just outside the oval. . 

I was back in the East End Gallery yesterday afternoon still feeling rather cross. Friday morning had been dominated by a phone call (via a private number, so no ringing back!) from "Elaine" who introduced herself as the reviewer in charge of looking at the decision that disallowed reimbursement for Alex's CPAP device.

By the end of that conversation, I felt like I'd been hung out to dry, taken round the bay for a bob and on a lengthy power walk up the garden path. Bamboozled and intensely frustrated by contradictions, gobbledegook and obtuse interpretations, I was spent when I hung up the phone. I was not going to give "Elaine" the satisfaction of reducing me to tears, but I broke down whilst speaking to Bhawana, Alex's Support Coordinator. I am so tired of this struggle.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem. I refuse to give up the pursuit of our reimbursement for Alex's CPAP device. I believe we have satisfied the conditions for a refund - from Alex's already existing funding - and the NDIS obviously does not. So, I keep being hit by one obstacle after another by the NDIS machine to shut me up.

To calm down, I undertook some vigorous vacuuming, followed by a splendid shower and joined Michael in the Gallery for lunch. One of my best artist buddies, Gracie, joined us for a cuppa and convivial conversation, Michael went home for a nanna nap and I pondered how to restore my equilibrium.

The answer was, as ever, staring straight back at me. I was surrounded by all the art in our beloved Gallery and Giftshop. We really have the best gig in the universe. I doubt I will ever lose the joy and wonder of being in a Gallery right here in Heavenly Beverley. If I had looked into a crystal ball fifteen years ago and seen myself married to a award-winning metal sculptor, living in a regional town and being Front-of-House, I would have fallen off my chair in fits of snorting laughter. And yet, here I am.

Somehow, we have bumbled along, flying by the seats of our pants, creating this amazing space. Artist, friend and curator by trade, Lindy was there on Friday swapping over one of her husband Ian's works and commented favourably on the Gallery's current look. Now that was praise indeed.

We won a Business Excellence award in 2017, only two and a half years after we'd opened. That was one memorable night. For a split second, I was speechless. Then I dragged Michael up to the podium, found my voice and waxed lyrically about our passions and hopes. Hard to believe that was over six years ago.

And we have learnt "on the job". I am incredibly grateful for all the assistance given to me. I have honed a script. I always greet guests. Michael has his own style out the front, and needless to say, he has continued to grow his creative craft in his workshop/studio. Better still, he has regained his "mojo" and is back in what I consider his "zone". Having completed two new metal pieces, he has now embarked on a major spring clean of his collection, so he actually knows what he has in his ninety square metre "man cave".

Because of recent battles with the bank, the NDIS and my own health, I have had to evaluate what makes me happy. Our home, the garden, the animals, friends and family and the East End Gallery. These are my safe spaces. I just need to remember when my patience is being tested!

I have also come up with a witty retort when guests accidentally call our enterprise a "shop". I have learnt to exclaim - "We are not a shop, because shops make money. Galleries don't!" Then we all laugh.

And that is the truth. Money comes in. Money goes out. Our "continuing mission" is to support and promote artists who have a connection to the Wheatbelt or a connection to us. From 19 December 2014, when we opened with eighteen artists, we now have in excess of a hundred artists and artisans. 

We are the East End Gallery and Giftshop Artists' Precinct, right here in Heavenly Beverley.

PS come and join us for our 9th Birthday/Christmas Sundowner/ Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 2 December from 5.30 pm. Please bring a plate and bottle to share. I'll be in the Santa suit!

How I have been feeling...
You bet I have been complaining! 

I am dancing as fast as I can!

I might have to take up cross stitch!

Another useful opening enquiry line!
Then I remember what gives me happiness! 

Our Dynamic Duo!

 You all know who you are and what you mean to us...

And then, we have our beloved East End Gallery...

Jan Cross/Gone Potty...

Jane Li

Snippet of the Giftshop...

Sharon Williams...

Florian Schoeter

Kerry Scally...

Cushions, pottery and glass...

Neil Elliott's wonderful and wacky wall!

Val Burns...

Yardley the reindeer...


This all spells happiness..


And always remember this!

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