Sunday 23 January 2022

Life @ 60 - Minor Catastrophes and Major Victories!

I shared a laugh-out-loud post on Facebook the other day, regarding our entry into the "Wonder Years" of our lives (the "Twilight Zone" can wait). Wondering where we have left our keys, glasses, purse, phone, remotes, thongs. my bra, Michael's alkaline water...the list is endless. Becoming older is both entertaining and frustrating. However, the legendary Arlene Puddy, one of our artists, who is still a youthful 84 years old, reminded us that accepting and feeling old means we might become old. And that is not on my agenda.

So, I have decided to become like Arlene. Test my limits everyday. Get up, get dressed (which she always is beautifully) and get on. Keep exploring, thinking, learning. Laugh. Listen. Love. Accept what can't be changed and be happy. Embrace new experiences and new beliefs. And know that less-than-wonderful days are par for the course. Each day starts anew, without any mistakes.

Yesterday was an absolutely hilarious example of a Wonder Years moment. Michael's phone (like everybody else) was a tad hot under the collar after being fully charged. So he decided to put his phone in the fridge for a few minutes to cool off. We both saw him complete this action. And then we both promptly forgot...

Comes the time for Michael to retire for morning ablutions. With his phone. Which we couldn't find. So we both turned the house upside down in our quest to retrieve it. I rang his phone with no luck...Eventually we gave up and I set out to the post office to buy the Saturday papers. Michael texted me "I found it". I responded "Where?". HIs reply "Not saying". On my return, I threatened him with eternal persecution unless he confessed. "The fridge". Needless to say, we both roared with laughter. That is how we plan to treat our journey through our Wonder Years!

Slightly less amusing were my attempts to sign up to the Service WA app on my smartphone. Those of you who know me well will be quivering with mirth at my expense due to my technophobic tendencies. A Luddite at heart, my mantra involves suffering these devices as necessary evils but definitely making heavy weather of any new instalments I am required to undertake on my phone or laptop.

Loading the Service WA app filled me with terror. I knew the process had be touted as complicated and time consuming so I prepared to face the enemy with few expectations of success. Firstly, the My GovID app had to be tackled. At least I already had a MyGov account. Which sadly didn't help much. Not to mention, the boffins who created this ghastly process had no comprehension to attempting this task with unreliable mobile signal. And did they relish making some of the instructions as obscure as possible? I was determined to overcome all obstacles. After three hours of blood, sweat and tears, I managed to complete all requirements to launch the Service WA app except adding my vaccination certificate. However, I downloaded the vaccination certificate onto One Drive (that's a whole separate story!) in my phone, so I felt agreeably virtuous.

The following day, I decided that bravery was required and I would set up the Service WA app on Michael's phone. This is where the trouble began. His ancient original Birth Certificate was deemed invalid by the MyGovID app, so we had to resort to his passport for identification purposes. Michael's older smartphone is so unreliable in the house that we could not get the required verifiable selfie of him in the house. So we tried outside. Too much light. We must have attempted to upload this bloody photo a dozen times. Epic fail. We resolved to walk to the post office and see if we could achieve the impossible in their well lit passport booth. Still no luck. We were both becoming very shirty with each other at this point. Thankfully, a fellow resident came to our rescue and advised us we could just link his MyGov account to Medicare and I should be able to download his certificate onto his phone. And remove the irritating MyGovID app...

Another hour of perseverance and the job was complete. We can now venture to all of WA knowing we have evidence of our Covid vaccinations with us. And , basking in my glorious success, I decided to have one last try loading my Covid certificate onto the Service WA app on my phone. Which promptly happened with absolutely no fuss...

I am having a couple of days off prior to returning to my dalliance with the NDIS. Finally, a planning review meeting has been set for Tuesday. I am still unsure of whether Shannon, our Support Coordinator will be able to attend. If not, I shall just have to damn the torpedoes on my own. 

Then, back to the alternative universe that is Centrelink as we need to choose whether Michael stays on his Disability Support Pension or moves to the Age Pension. Which could have repercussions for my Carer Payment and Allowance. At present, any information I have found is proving to be predictably vague. Fortunately, we have another month to try and gather enough to make an informed decision.

Wish us luck and stay tuned.

Tally ho!

An exclusive club...

Not yet...

The fabulous Arlene Puddy...

Good to remember...

Meanwhile, my usual reactions to using technology...

Where's a Cone of Silence when I need one...


I may have uttered similar words...

A couple of unhelpful alternatives -

Instead, I chose to do this...

Which finally and surprisingly, resulted in this!

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