Wednesday 26 January 2022

Additional Bedtime Companions...

Bedtime in the Inner Sanctum has always been a tad crowded. Until recently, our bed was inhabited by Michael and me, Stella and Pip, Chop and on cold nights, Suey has been known to join us. 

Pip, now sixteen, has been prescribed diuretics to assist his congestive heart disease and needs access to the great outdoors to relieve himself at a moment's notice. As he has to be lifted on and off our bed, he only had to wet through to our base once before we banished him to his own bed he can tackle. Once we added a sheet and his own pillow, he decided that his alternative night digs are quite satisfactory.

As a result, our bed has become a touch more spacious and we tend to only accommodate Stella and Chop through the wee small hours. However, I have welcomed a couple of new and intimate companions, who shall remain  integral buddies for the foreseeable future.

After my infamous sleep study back in spring, I was advised that I was suffering apnoea episodes thirty-eight times an hour. This was labelled severe and obstructive and the solution was deemed to be a CPAP machine. I was duly loaned a device over December and the beginning of January. Air at a particular pressure worked to keep my throat open, reducing my apnoea spells to a trickle. The effects were pretty extraordinary. I regained the ability to function later into the evening, rather than being exhausted on the sofa by six o'clock.  

However, I was aware of the ticking clock which meant the returning of the loan machine and all the associated paraphernalia. Thankfully, a Beverley local came to my rescue, bequeathing to me a slightly older model, which due to some rather distinctive decorations, I have named Batman. I have great affection for the 1960s series of Batman. Known for the crooked floors at the bad guys' hideouts, celebrities just happening to open a window as Batman and Robin are supposedly climbing up the side of a tall building, fantastic sound effects with lots of onomatopoeia thrown in for good measure, a fast and furious theme music and gags aplenty, this series refused to take itself seriously. Far better than some of the dire movies featuring Batman that we have all endured over recent years.

Once again, I have digressed. Securing Batman the CPAP machine was only part of the equation. I had presumed that the head gear and mask that I had used for a month was mine to keep. Not so. Bollocks.

Due to our usual lack of money, I needed to resort to one of the afterpay facilities to fund these necessities. One complete set of mask and head gear, one spare set of head gear and two spare mask "cushions" came to the astonishing sum of nearly five hundred dollars. And that was after I'd "shopped around". Hooley Dooley. At least I don't get charged interest if I pay for these items on time...

My mask is full face and has the tube leading to the device coming out from the front. Hence I have christened this equipment Mister Elephant. He and Batman work together as a team to ensure I have a better quality of sleep and no longer suffer from chronic tiredness. I have become completely comfortable with my bedtime "look", which could certainly not be described as haute couture.

However, I was delighted to discover another well known Australian sporting elephant headgear and being photographed. Blue Wiggle Anthony Field joined the rest of the group performing a cover of Tame Impala's  "Elephant" which was originally released in 2012. Adding their own slant by including part of their hit song "Fruit Salad" the Wiggles take on "Elephant" has just been announced as Number 1 of radio station JJJ's Top 100 for 2021. 

How's that for a bedtime anthem?

Stay tuned until next time!

Some of the usual suspects on our bed...


And his scaly mate, Mister Elephant!

Inspired by -

Not inspired by this...

Definitely inspired by this bloke, Anthony Field, with the trunk. Methinks Tame Impala should follow suit! 

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