Monday 11 May 2020

Michael Becomes A Radio Star!

For those of you who know Michael well, you may remember that he frequently has quite legendary dreams. Who could forget the nocturnal conversation with the Big Red Tractor, his metamorphosis into a television controller or his discussion with Mister Carrot, a delegate from the Salad Vegetables, complaining about Michael's lack of green veggie consumption?

We travelled, together, to the Big Smoke, last Thursday. Michael had been granted a G2G Pass so he could accompany me on more frequent visits to Big Al, as his fantabulous support worker Pascal has been unable to visit due to the COVID 19 lockdown.

Enroute, the ever-entertaining ABC radio was conducting a quick survey into weird dreams. This was definitely a stage in which Michael could shine. Quick as a flash, I texted in his famous encounter with Madame Cat, her suitcase and stilettos.

This dream was certainly one of the best. Whilst making toast in bed, as you do, Michael's reverie of contemplating his snack was rudely interrupted by the arrival of Her Majesty the Cat. Walking on her stiletto clad back paws and carrying a cat-sized suitcase, she hopped onto the bed next to Himself, removed his toast and secreted them within her suitcase. Without a backward glance, she then exited the bedroom, leaving Michael despondently toastless.

As we pulled into the visitors' parking spaces at Alex's unit complex, the good news was broadcast. Naturally, Michael was the winner - a bonafide radio star.

On my initial foray at Chez Alex, he and I had spent one day sorting his expired food and drugs and sorted some much overdue washing before his cap, hat, dressing gown, scarf and winter jacket walked to the washing machine under their own stream.

Plus, I had taken his garden of struggling soil and superhuman surviving plants In Hand and begun the process of restoring them to Good Health. Alex loved the concept of having a garden; he was just unsure where to start. The weeds, water repellent dirt and overgrown plants that had succumbed to the deceased state were beyond him. I restored one corner of his front courtyard to some semblance of greenery with some surprisingly resilient lilies, yucca and a smallish palm tree.

Buoyed by his new star status, Michael and I, with Alex's help, faced the challenge of his western garden beds, a mixture of one corner looking very pretty in spite of total neglect, a smattering of tall yuccas (ouch material), mother's in law tongue, a creeper, a struggling cactus and various departed corpses.

With fearless enthusiasm, Michael hacked his way through to a completely hidden second tap. I disposed of the dead, swept and planted succulents and a jade bush for luck. We applied a seaweed and wetting agent to all and stood back to admire our handiwork.

Alex was stoked. His face was full of grateful awe. In our final fifteen minutes, we planted the remaining succulents in a curiously round planter. Not only has Alex watered since our visit, but he has also given his newly resuscitated garden a dose of Powerfeed. I just hope they don't turn up their toes with all the attention.

We have the end in sight. I have researched what to grow in his southern strip and understand why everything else succumbed with miserable regularity. Alex is also very keen to restore his garden pond to its former glory, complete with goldfish. I have informed Michael and Alex that is a Blokes' job and bonding exercise.

Listening to the local radio in the car, winning a "dream contest" and giving Alex his garden back have all been positive circumstances created by the COVID 19 lockdown. Without closing the Gallery and having the time, we never would have achieved so much for Alex's well being and our pleasure.

Perhaps the world should actually come to a standstill ever now and then, for a finite period, so we can all reassess our priorities. Hmmm...

Stay safe.

A selection of Michael's nocturnal companions...

Pretty much in my beloved husband's case!

That is the question...

Glimpses of Alex's garden last Thursday -

Maybe lots of us...

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