Friday 17 April 2020

Kate's Coronavirus Chronicles - Win! Win! Win!

I continue to be both perplexed and amused by my changing reactions to certain situations. Life Before Coronavirus was busier, noisier and far more predictable. Supermarket shelves would rarely be missing groceries. If I needed a particular item, such as Hills Fresh's divine Morrocan couscous, I would just pop in the car and travel to Mundaring. There wasn't any worry if we didn't see the kids for weeks; they were inevitably riding the wave at a rate of knots in their action-packed lives and we knew that we would catch up for a break with them. For a while, all three of my offspring were working, earning money, going out and snatching brief periods of relaxation at home. Immy's birth at the beginning of December heightened a Nanny Kate need for an Imogen fix every now and again. I was planning on spending the summer break driving up and down the hill, happily competing with Ma Michelle for possession of our grandbaby.

Alas, all the plans of mice and men were tossed out the proverbial window. Whispered tales of a weird pneumonia wreaking havoc in central China were initially treated with minor and haphazard attention during January. We were far too busy glued to the news of the dreadful bushfire crisis, followed by flooding rains in some areas in February. Just as we thought we could breathe a collective sigh of relief and that no disasters threatened, Coronavirus broke through the Chinese borders and pounced on an unsuspecting and ill-prepared world.

Havoc reigned. Horrific stories were flying out of Italy, Spain, Iran, then Great Britain and finally the virus caught up with the US. In a matter of weeks, America became the epicentre of chaos. The Land of the Free has no universal health system. Added to this catastrophe were mixed messages, a narcissistic and dismissive president and slow reactions. And as the Land of the Free also has scant independent media organisations (hooray for the ABC and SBS), I suspect that "news" was heavily airbrushed. I really thought that POTUS had completely lost the plot when he threatened to fire his chief medical officer. On Twitter. Ye Gods.

Australia is home to twenty million. Given our geographical size, we have (so far) been spared the enormity of death in places like New York. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed the development of a grudging respect for the Prime Minister and health minister. I live in hope that they will continue to behave in this manner after the pandemic is under control.

Anyway, I've digressed. How bloody grateful am I now for small miracles. Our daily walks, watching the comedy duo of Stella and Pip careering around our town oval. Occasionally waving at other people also exercising their canine clowns and allowing all the dogs present to engage in a gigantic playdate.

The privacy of our beautiful courtyard. Sometimes we wish the width was a metre more, but that may be due to the potted jungle we have created around its fringes. Yesterday, I was invited to join a FB group named "View from my Window", so promptly armed with my camera, I snapped some photographs and was reminded how lucky we are to have such a lovely outdoor space.

The relief of receiving this year's Fluvax. At least that is one less circumstance to worry about. The luxury and ease of telephone appointments with our doctor. One five-minute consult with Stephanie and Michael's urgent prescription was faxed through to our pharmacy.

Today is "Frocked Up Friday", which was started by a witty Geraldton woman. Again on Facebook. These pages have all sprung up in response to COVID 19. Rather than contemplate the gloominess, frocking up every Friday allows us the opportunity to have some harmless fun, roar with laughter at the results and share in another wonderful community. Hence, I shall shortly retire to the bathroom and render myself gorgeous...Evidence will be online later...

The piece de resistance was shopping on Wednesday. Armed with funds newly delivered into our bank account, I launched forward to boldly find those items that had been out of stock for weeks. The local IGA had paper towel and vinegar. Woolies in Northam had toilet paper. Aldi down the road had disinfectant and handwash. I picked up some new dog toys for Stella to demolish at her leisure. A folding step for reaching high items in our wardrobe. I could have bought some new shoes for Michael, another dog lounge or a dining table and two benches. Sometimes a visit to Aldi is worth the trip just for the entertainment value.

I shall resume the hunt for flour next week.

In the meantime, we are side by side at our computer table, looking out at the luscious leaves of our strawberry plants, the ficus in its outrageously red pot and Michael's beloved golden cane palm. Autumn has finally arrived and the blast furnace of summer has receded. There is a whisper of breeze under cloudy skies. Great dog-walking day.

Stay safe, take care and capture those tiny moments of pleasure.

Shopping expedition on Wednesday... -

Photographing the courtyard on Thursday...-

Frocked Up Friday this afternoon...-

Dog walking this evening...-

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