Sunday 14 April 2019

Ruby's Great Temptation

She regarded the loathed obstacle with cold aggression. She had attempted to remove this object on a number of occasions, without tasting the thrill of success. But with each cunning effort, she had learnt more about her enemy. And the previous attempts had not been without positive merit. She had ensured her temporary freedom through persistent and piteous agonised cries until her plight was recognised and her detention relaxed. However, her ultimate goal remained its annihilation.

Confined again against her will, she viewed the bars with steely contempt. The dark was no enemy. In fact, night allowed her the invisibility she desired. Her companion could provide no help. He had become used to their conditions and chose not to aid her in her plans for escape. So, she began, slowly, cautiously and steadily, to work with the problem, expose any weakness and orchestrate her release, once and for all.

She grudgingly accepted that if she succeeded, her companion would take advantage of her skill, her prowess, her ingenuity. So be it. She was through with waiting and hoping. The time had come for action.

She fought the despised impediment to the Other Side with brute force. Repeatedly, she cajoled the bars to move more and more. She could sense her triumph.  No longer would she have to tolerate the humiliation of her prison. She would be free to experience that great temptation, that delicious luxury for which she so longed.

Suddenly, the hated device was no longer there. It had plummetted to the ground with a crash, disintegrating into multiple pieces. She held her breath, willing her pathetic jailers to remain undisturbed. And then, without a second glance, she left the crime scene.

Leaping nimbly and silently onto the sofa, Ruby snuggled into the cushions with a contented sigh. Once again, we had been no match for her legendary perseverance.

The Crime Scene

The Defendant

The Opportunistic Companion

The Magistrate

The Witness

And the New Offensive commences!

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