Friday 26 April 2019

About A Boy (And His Siblings)

Just over thirty years ago, my ex and I welcomed Callum into our universe. Actually, his arrival was with a bit more fanfare. Vanessa, at three years four months, was my sole surviving child from four previous pregnancies. I adored her to bits, but I was desperate that she would not be an only child.

And so, we had embarked on my fifth pregnancy with rather a lot of consternation. Terry Jenkins, my latest obstetrician, dragged me kicking and screaming through eight tedious months. My ex used to joke about having powdered baby mix and just adding water to circumvent the waiting. No such potion was available for us. I had horrible nausea for five months. I started CTG (cardiocartography) which measured the baby's well being in utero at thirty weeks. I was booked for an elective caesarian section on 28 April 1989 after Terry returned from holidays. Needless to say, I didn't make that date.

Callum was a sluggish foetus - totally unlike his after-womb self. There were concerns about his viability due to poor performance testing. Personally, I believe that this was Callum's modus operandi. He refused to commit to a new skill until he believed he had mastered it.

And so, he was born, roaring and pink, on 14 April 1989. Almost immediately, he went into a decline. He wasn't perfect at breathing. Then he wasn't perfect at breastfeeding. So he and I stayed in hospital for two weeks, getting to know each other. He learnt how to suck properly after I told him that the honeymoon was over and there would be no more assisted feeding.

He was a beautiful baby who smiled with his whole body. Then he grew into a wonderful, funny, stubborn and perfectionist boy who endured more than his fair share of trials. He was the ultimate middle child in an oddball family. He was bullied at both primary and high school. Throughout his later childhood, he coped with the breakup of his parents and lived a ping-pong existence as a teenager and young adult between his dad and me.

Committed to ballroom dancing as his passion, Callum then met a fiery strawberry blonde lass who quickly Took Him In Hand. Bronwyn did not put up with any nonsense. And she told him so when necessary. She also became his anchor as they each launched into work - Bron as an early childhood teacher and Cal caught between hospitality and teaching for a number of years.

Then, the Romance Sensation of the Century. Cal asked Bron to marry him, on bended knee, in Venice, with an engagement ring he had secreted in his wallet. After Bronwyn delightedly accepted him, they began preparations for the Wedding of the Century.

Being utterly pragmatic and financially sensible, they chose to marry in a relatively simple ceremony during last winter. The weather was truly awful but their marriage and the following reception was filled with love and warmth. I even pecked the ex on his cheek.

We haven't seen much of the happy couple for a few months. Their honeymoon was swiftly followed by the final term of 2018 and a pre-arranged White Christmas with Bron's family in Austria. We caught up with them earlier this year for a brief weekend. So, there was no way I was going to miss Callum's thirtieth birthday.

On a breezy day at Mullaloo Beach, a sausage sizzle was just the ticket. The wind interfered with the lighting of the candles. In the end, the birthday boy managed to get one candle lit with just enough time to blow it out.

A marvellous day. Callum, as energetic as ever, was joined by both his siblings. Only when the three of them were standing together did I realise how similar in looks they are. They have all given me much cause for pride. They are all independent young people. Callum is probably the most openly compassionate and affectionate, which has been his lifelong attitude. I watched as he embraced all his friends, which has become the gesture of his generation. And both branches of his family are treated with demonstrative love and respect.

They are currently camping with the Coote side in the Goldfields for some rest and recreation after a busy start to the year. Looking at the size of the fires they enjoy building, they are obviously our kind of people! And with any luck, they might stop in Heavenly Beverley on their way home.

Cal with his former dance partner, Francesca

Trusting his tonsils to a five-year-old

The look of love

At a "Phantom of the Opera" soiree

Wedding proposal in Venice

Their bridal waltz

Birthday BBQ

With Alex

Boys on the barbie

Now there's trouble! My three amigos...

Sisters-in-law - Bronwyn and Vanessa

Recalcitrant candles!

Image may contain: fire

Enjoying an excellent fire on their Goldfields jaunt.

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