Saturday 25 August 2018

Shenanigans, Surprises and Chasing Sleep

A beautiful, almost spring-like weekend here in Heavenly Beverley. The main drag is surprisingly quiet for a sunny afternoon, however, a ballet performance by our young dancers tomorrow may entice more guests into the Gallery.

A lack of action in the East End Gallery is often ideal for catching up on long-overdue tasks. Yesterday I caught up with vacuuming the floors, taking all the dirty cups home for washing and gathering information on a painting that has come into our possession to sell.

And of course, there was keeping track of the outrageous three-ringed-circus occurring over three days in Canberra during the week. I was amused, puzzled and outraged all at once. Like most of us, I have seen political barneys with shouting, abuse, fisticuffs, huffing and puffing on the internet in countries from all over the world. Here in Australia, we have sagely tut-tutted our disapproval at such antics in other parliaments.

My Dad, a lifelong Liberal voter, advocated a flat-rate taxation policy his entire life. I can certainly see the value in such a system, as long as the rich couldn't wriggle their way out of paying their dues. Dad once wrote to the then Treasurer, a certain John Howard, outlining his ideas. The miserable bastard didn't even acknowledge Dad's letter. As far as I am concerned, they were fools then and they are fools now.

And Dad, wherever he is, will have watched in horrified astonishment at the nonsensical bloodletting that has stained the so-called Liberal Party this week. Are they all mad? Or are they just so drunk with their own self-importance that they have forgotten that they are supposed to work in our best interests? Not just the far right, not just the Murdoch press, not just the power brokers behind the scenes. We pay their salaries and they are meant to represent us. All.

As for me, I am a classic swinging voter though most of my views are certainly on the left of the political equation. I support issues such as justice for all, a safety net for the vulnerable, fair wages for all workers (not just the privileged) and a staggered taxation rate with the wealthy paying more than the poor. I have voted Liberal in the past and I voted National for our local member in the last state election. But unless Bill Shorten, who is still not the popular man in parliament, puts his foot wrong, he and the Labor Party should trounce the incumbents at the federal poll, due sometime before May 2019.

In my opinion, the Liberal Party deserves all I hope is unleashed in the next election. They do not deserve our support. All I hope is that the Labor Party agrees to a line of succession prior to the election so these selfish acts are not perpetuated. Otherwise, if I had my way, I'd sack the lot of them.

Onto more pleasant matters. We have been home for five days. One item we brought back to Beverley was an oil painting by Richard Bogusz. This piece has history within our family and I am now in the position of selling it through the East End Gallery. Having contacted the artist, the painting is valued at between three and four thousand dollars. We will be having it reframed and it will be available for sale soon. Watch this space!

We are just loving being home, in spite of the continuing winter weather. Sleeping in our own bed, surrounded by our beloved possessions, being in a familiar kitchen and reunited with the Canine Clowns, Madame Cat and the Pirate Parrot has been just wonderful. If only I wasn't quite so tired still...

Becoming older is not for the faint-hearted. I have discovered aches and pains I didn't know existed, doctors' appointments for bits that have stopped working well and the annoying regularity of visiting the dentist and the podiatrist. And I no longer bounce back after a busy schedule or taking an overnight flight - to Cairns, for example. Bollocks.

As a result, I am still chasing sleep after the onslaught of an emotional nine days. I hope that in the next few days, I will fully recover my vim, vigour and vitality.

I'm off to bed now...zzz...zzz...zzz...

 Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister last week...

Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister this week...

Good luck...

Architects of the spill - the Liberal Far Right, the Murdoch Press and former PM Tony Abbott

Richard Bogusz - early 1970s oil painting

What happens each night...

and how I'm feeling at the moment, often at inopportune times!

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