Friday 19 January 2018

Pre-Dinner Pilates

I have spent my life as a desperately-wanting-to-be-thin-girl in a fat girl's body. I share my paternal grandmother's physique - she was short and plump her entire life. She lived until she was ninety years old and in spite of the suspected rheumatic fever she suffered as a child.

I have been on more diets in my life than I would care to remember. The Cabbage Soup diet, the High Protein/Low Carb diet, the Not Eating Before Lunchtime diet, the Starve Myself Until I fit Into The Dress I Want To Wear diet, the Grief diet and the Vino Only diet.

Of all of these, the Vino Only diet was the most successful. Eating very little indeed, I would drown myself in as much wine as I could in order to sleep dreamlessly. However, my liver was not particularly happy on this diet and I was Dried Out as one of my treatments at Perth Clinic after my breakdown in 2006.

Appalling at any exercise as a child - I tried the usual suspects such as ballet and tennis - I discovered the only team sport that I excelled, much to my surprise, was volleyball. My friend Sue Town and I would smack ourselves on the nose in order to be excused for PE. However, when thrown onto a volleyball team, Sue's and my services were almost unplayable. We couldn't defend for quids, but we won a few games through sheer brilliance at serving and not much else.

I tried swimming, aerobics (a comic disaster) and line dancing ( another side-splitting episode) as other forms of exercise as an adult. I loved Jive dancing but as soon as I was coerced into moving out of the Beginners class, I lost my confidence and stopped.

I ran for ten years. Holy shit. This is how I maintained a fairly low weight. I entered the City-to-Surf on several occasions and the Perth-Fremantle walk (eighteen kilometres) once. I ran around Lake Gwelup and Carine Open Space. I pounded the pavements in Karrinyup, where I lived for twenty years. After I moved to Marangaroo, I bought a cheap walking machine, which worked very well until the Beagle ate the electrics - twice.

After moving to Beverley, I lost twelve kilogrammes through exercise, Duromine ( medical speed) and Michael nearly dying. Walking up and down three flights of stairs at Joondalup Hospital several times a day served me well. I dropped under seventy kilogrammes for the first time in quite a while.

Since then, guilt was been my ever-present friend as I gained weight back again. Plus shoulder and knee surgeries tendered to slow me down as well. I was not a happy camper.

After I saw the Boy Wonder late in 2017, he prescribed rough treatment of my troublesome knee to shake it up. So I started walking laps in our local pool. Much to my surprise, I loved the activity and my pain load reduced significantly as a result. And because the Beagle needed to diet, His Majesty and I started walking again as well.

On Wednesday, I paid to attend Pilates at five-thirty with the delightful Janet Robertson, proprietor of Nourishabley in Beverley. Pre-dinner Pilates. I was concerned by two possible events - that I would die during or after the class and that I would fart very loudly and embarrass myself.

Neither occurred. Somebody else farted and we all chose not to comment. There were a couple of skinny fit women there but the rest of us - weren't. Excellent. I spent the entire class concentrating so hard on what I was supposed to do that I forgot to be thirsty or self-conscious.

Thursday I was a bit sore but as the day wore on, my lower back ached more and more. I had half-promised I would return to Pilates on Friday morning. Now I was really worried that I had pushed my body a bit too far. Yet, I recognised the pain was muscular, so I gravitated between Going or Not Going.

This morning I bit the bullet and arrived spot-on time at Pilates.To my astonishment, I found the stretching regime much easier and I could feel the various muscles I was supposed to be using. As the class progressed, my discomfort vanished. I was stoked to finish the class feeling more confident and pain-free. Extraordinary.

Last evening, we caught a programme on SBS by Tim Caulfield, a Canadian academic, on dieting and exercise myths. Two of his musing stuck in my mind - if I was dieting and exercising to look good, I was doing this for all the wrong reasons. And if I expected the scales to dip dramatically, I would be disappointed. However, following as healthy a diet as possible and exercising would aid my overall health and fitness.

I have waited for fifty-six years to hear this reassurance. Now I have the impetus to keep exercising and trying to eat well without feeling the crushing urge to lose weight.

So tomorrow I will walk with Michael and the dogs. Monday I expect to walk laps in the pool. Wednesday I hope to drag Michael to Pilates.

Thanks, Tim.

Kate with Vanessa (right) Janina Faulker with Michelle - early 1986

At Kalparrin Mothers' Weekends (1990s = 2000s)

Bali 2009, with Susan Matthews and Tracey Claydon

With Sascha and Ruby 2010

November 2014


December 2016 with my darling Dad

July 2017 with Audrey the bearded dragon

Hamming it up after knee surgery October 2017

Christmas 2017 with my beloved Michael.

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