Thursday 31 August 2017

Old Friends, New Friends

Last Saturday was one of those fabulous red-letter days. When the unexpected and extraordinary crash into each other in a spectacular way.

We'd had quite a busy day welcoming guests to the Gallery. I was looking forward to dinner at the pub. Mid-afternoon a new visitor entered the Gallery for a browse. She was instantly familiar, but I was having difficulty placing her in my former life. Then, a flash of memory.

I know you! You have twin daughters. You are from my Karrinyup days. And you haven't changed a bit!

She came straight back. You're Kate Hawes.

Not anymore. I'm now Kate Sofoulis, married to the love of my life.

As soon as she announced her name, Jacquie Thomson, images came flooding into my mind. Jacquie and her husband Peter had produced two divine red-headed daughters, Alex and Beth. They were in the same class with my autistic superstar Alex. They were wonderfully hospitable people, though Jacquie always seemed ferociously organised. I remember admiring her as well as  enjoying her company. She and Peter were my ideal of a happy marriage, whilst mine was disintegrating.

A phone call from one of her girls interrupted our reverie. I nearly collapsed with laughter listening in on their conversation. The girls must have been about ten years old when I last saw them. All grown up now, Jacquie's daughter asked if I'd finally rid myself of my first husband. Like so many others, she was not entirely complimentary about him. Out of the mouths of babes...

A very happy hour or so ensued. The vino was opened, Peter and Jacquie wandered about the Gallery, Michael rapidly caught up and joined in our animated conversation.

Jacquie kept commenting on my happiness. All those years ago, I had been caught in a fog of chronic unhappiness as I struggled to please my then husband and have a life. In the end, I realised my efforts were futile and after three attempts, I finally ended that phase of my life. Now, after eight years with my beloved Michael and orchestrating the running of our Gallery, I am truly alive.

Our reunion was coming to an end. However, they had become besotted with one of Michael's "Flowers in my Garden". And they bought his sculpture. To say we were touched and delighted does not even come close.

We were thrilled to receive photos of "Flowers" in her new setting. And Peter and Jacquie have come back into my life and entered Michael's as well.

How old friends become new friends.

A very happy ending.

PS Jacquie, I can't find the photos you sent! Could you please resend them? I am such a Luddite...

 As old friends become new friends -

"Flowers in My Garden 1"

"Flowers in My Garden" 2 (centre left on plinth) - now resident @ Peter and Jacquie's home.

Or before hopefully!

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