Thursday 4 May 2017

We are at LOCK-UP!

I have been rather tardy with my posts over recent days. The latest catastrophe was a worsening of my sore left knee, which I injured in an unseemly fall a number of weeks ago. Tripping over a hose when stone-cold sober is not a good look. I remember thinking  - bollocks! This is going to hurt. Managing to strike both knees, my left shoulder and lastly my forehead onto exceeding unforgiving concrete was the first tragedy. Skinning my left knee (isn't one supposed to stop doing this kind of thing in childhood?) masked the lurking problem Underneath. After initially improving over some time, I realised that a short brisk walk with Callum on Tuesday was perhaps not my brightest idea. By that evening, I was finding weight bearing was almost impossible on my left leg. The unfortunate body part also began to swell up like a balloon. Most annoying of all was that my beacon of logic, Vanessa, was going to be proved right. Again. After my tumble, Vanessa had gloomily predicted that I had done myself some real damage. I had hoped that by ignoring the obvious, I could magically make my knee better. Apparently, I have torn some sort of ligament or tendon in this troublesome area. Poop. I see the Boy Wonder, our orthopaedic surgeon on Wednesday.

Onto much more pleasant subjects. Our concrete pad was poured in the second week of March. Here in the first week of May, we are at lock-up. Actually, we are Beyond Lock-Up. Over the last two days, the Wonderkid that is Lindsay Doyle has been installing our kitchen, our kitchenette in the Studio (our upmarket  name for the third bedroom), our laundry cupboards and trough, ably assisted by John the builder extraordinaire, Hans the awesome tiler and all-rounder Elliott, who looks about twelve (with a beard) but is actually old enough to drive a car.

All our expectations are being blown out of the water. My new kitchen is totally different from any previous kitchens. Although compact, I have plenty of swish matt-black cupboards, a dishwasher, a brand new built-in microwave, two glorious multicoloured benchtops, glass cooktop and a sparkling oven. Holy cow!

Tomorrow will bring Hans back to tile his heart out, Lindsay to complete tasks at his usual speedy rate and Michael to begin painting the skirtings in our bedroom. As for me, I will be lurching around on my crutches, driving to Northam to collect Vanessa. And after she finishes laughing at me, I will be thrilled at her arrival. If vacuuming the Gallery today was any indication, I probably need to stay off my feet as much as possible for the time being.

Luckily, the progress of Station House continues to delight and distract me from my other woes.

Stay tuned.

My deluxe store room 

pantry and microwave

oven, not quite in-situ

a dishwasher that isn't ME

bench top and cupboard backs


still life of Beagle and kitchen

Ye Gods, what is she thinking?!

kitchenette and studio bathroom

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