Wednesday 16 July 2014

Kate and Michael's first trip - Foreword October 2009.

Adventure really is in our backyard.

Michael and I met online on the evening of 19 May 2009 (girls tend to remember exact dates, times and places!). We had our first face to face meeting/date a few days later, at the Whiteman Park animal exercise area, to see if our dogs got on with each other. If they hadn’t, we would have been resigned to another bout of online roulette. Fortunately, the dogs were happy together from day 1, I was smitten and Michael didn’t immediately flee, so it was a good start! The rest, as they say, is history.

Fast forward five months.  Michael was taking me on a trip to his beloved Goldfields.  I was excited and a bit apprehensive by the prospect. I had been camping, (in a past life with my ex husband and children) but that had been in tents and then a campervan generally in caravan parks. I had never really roughed it or been off road for a week or slept for more than two nights in a swag. I am also extremely uncoordinated and accident prone! Michael had been away with his son and other assorted blokes over the last nine years, but never with a WOMAN. I thought he was taking a bit of a risk. He thought it was make or break time to see if I could hack camping with him in the outback.

One of the reasons for this travel journal was to illustrate that ANYONE can enjoy this kind of adventure. This first wonderful trip was all about opening my mind to less being more – if we didn't have it with us, we did without (except for travelling mugs!).  Keeping a record also allowed me to remember the trip in far more detail than I might have otherwise. As well, I felt that creating shared memories was important for the growth of our relationship. Lastly, I’m a frustrated writer and loved having the time to give full vent to my personal view of this trip.

Planning and preparation were a must. Having enough drinking water was essential – we took ninety litres for a week – as was food (plenty of non perishable stuff) and a decent first aid kit. I cooked some meals in advance and froze them. Michael’s esky was a well insulated one, so most cold stuff stayed …cold. Michael knew that block ice was best, so we DIYed our own ice for some weeks before we left to make sure we had enough.
Google Earth was a terrific resource for plotting distances and checking places out prior to the big event.  Michael also had collected some seriously detailed maps of the Goldfields (from Landgate), which we carried with us.

 I had the time of my life. Thank you Michael, from the bottom of my heart!

Inside a shaft at Mount Palmer, October 2009.

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