Friday 7 June 2024

A "Renaissance" In The East End Gallery

Suddenly, we are almost into the middle of 2024. How on earth has that happened?! We are also just over three weeks away from leaving for our next epic voyage to the North West for a much anticipated rejuvenating trip with a spot of fossicking thrown in for good measure. 

In the meantime, we have still be working like beavers in the East End Gallery. One opportunity came and went and almost immediately, we were given a wonderful alternative to enhance the atmosphere of the East End Gallery even further.

Towards the very end of June, we will be welcoming Marion and Rebecca Luck into the East End Gallery, a mother-and-daughter powerhouse who mix painting, drawing, pastels, copper work, silver work, enamel and jewellery. That's their talents that I actually know about. I suspect they have much more expertise than that...

The East End Gallery has undergone an amazing metamorphosis from the might-have-been, could-have-been to finishing with a collaboration that fits our primary focus. We support and promote Wheatbelt artists as our number one philosophy. Marion and Bec are Beverley artists searching for an affordable venue. We have been able to provide them with that venue. We are not interested in profit as a means to an end. Which is just as well, as profit remains an out-of-reach fantasy.

This marriage of the East End Gallery with these two fabulous artisans is a match made in heaven. We can support them; they can support us. We can take breaks; we can cover them. We have a shared ideal - to be the best artists we can all be. We are so bloody grateful to Marion and Bec and can't wait for them to complete their move into the East End Gallery.

Bec and Marion are not our only new artists to join us. Whimsical card maker Catherine McKinlay was searching for both a home and an outlet for her art. We have provided her with a niche at the East End Gallery and we are crossing our fingers that she also can find affordable accommodation here in Beverley. Middle-aged women are becoming homeless at an alarming rate and all we can do is try and do our bit - looking for anybody who can offer accommodation to women in crisis.

Then there is John Firth, an extraordinary wood worker who has been honing his craft for decades. Marvel at his exquisite carvings and have a giggle at "Death in Paradise"...

We have abandoned the concept of the Giftshop - we have amalgamated all our art pieces under a single banner. The renewed East End Gallery has quirky artisan pieces mixed with fine art. Metal with wood. Textiles with paintings. Pottery with up-cycled mixed media. The East End Gallery has become a treasure hunt, providing our guests with a brilliant experience of hide-and-seek. We believe the Gallery is the best it has ever been. And we are content.

We have entered winter, and in the Wheatbelt that means vibrant colour, lambs and the opportunity for some vigourous exercise around Quajibin (County Peak) and Yenyening Lakes. Reasonable fitness is required for Quajibin as there is no path to the summit.

Did I mention lambs yet? There are little bundles of fluffiness being born  and within minutes they are gambolling around with gay abandon. When they tire, little lamb creches appear, all under the watchful eyes of their attentive mums, resting under a watery winter sun or huddling for warmth when cold and showery. 

Almost overnight, the country has transformed to a carpet of green. In another month, the canola will begin to flower and thus will begin the patchwork of gold with green. This time of year is conducive with warm fires and hearty food, resplendent with vivid colour after a very long and hot summer.

The annual Beverley Agricultural Show is rapidly approaching on Saturday 17 August. Do not miss a chance to attend this excellent event, which heroes all things agricultural.

 We will not actually be in Beverley for the Show, as we will still be enjoying our annual jaunt to the North West's warmer climes. But the Gallery will remain open Fridays - Sundays with our fantastic volunteers rallying to allow us to have a much-needed break. 

And so, without any further ado, here is a peek at the current status of our beloved East End Gallery.

Just don't sit there! Turn your vehicle of choice eastwards to Heavenly Beverley -















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