Monday 6 December 2021

Hoo-Haa, Balderdash and Hypocrisy...

I still miss my darling Dad every day. His birthday is tomorrow and had he lived, he would have been turning ninety-seven. He was a tolerant, gentle and learned man. He rarely swore or engaged in any form of abuse. He loved language and introduced me to the world of words. Had he still been alive, I suspect he would be horrified at the descent of conversations and messages into name calling exercises on platforms such as Facebook. I still feel his presence keenly and I try very hard to emulate him in my writing and not disappoint him.

Covid 19 appears to have raised the stakes in how awful people can be to each other. Civil discussion and the ability to accept dissenting views whilst still being able to debate them is not being practised. Instead, taunting, name calling and abuse has increasingly replaced calm and coherent conversations.

We are all guilty. Just consider the current crop of Australian pollies. There are precious few of them with the expansive eloquence that should be required in parliament. The current Prime Minister is a skilled artist in rejection, diversion or ignorance of any discussion he dislikes. I pity those behind the scenes tasked with negotiation on the world stage. Their masters behave like a badly educated and unruly bunch of nincompoops. God help us all.

I have just blocked a former friend on Facebook. I have become increasingly appalled at the gutter level of most of her interactions. When challenged by any view she does not like, the personal abuse, the lack of understanding and empathy and her intense desire to always have the last word dictate both face-to-face and online engagement. She loves to criticise others, whilst failing to act proactively on her own issues. I am done with her.

Recently, there has been much discussion in the media about the latest Coronavirus variant. Omicron. I am rather amused by this term. I have visions of a mad scientist with this name huddling in the bowels of KAOS ready to do his worst. Please, let's maintain our humour during these trying times.

However, I am mystified by the reactions of some anti-vaccine advocates. In this country, the vaccine has yet to be mandated for the entire population. Yet, the outcry of being forced to submit to the vaccine continues. People have choice, but face consequences in those professions that are required to be fully vaccinated. Having a car license means following the road rules. Those who don't may endure uninvited consequences. Using toilets, either public or private, is actually a choice and most people use the facilities rather than just evacuating where and when they wish. There are consequences in you are caught poohing in public. In the animal kingdom, consider the actions of any group. A lioness doesn't announce she isn't going to hunt with the pride on any given day because she needs to have her nails done. 

Those of us who have been received childhood vaccines, or a tetanus  injection following an injury or the flu jab before winter don't partake in demonstrations regarding the unfairness or validity of these actions. We undertake these measures to protect ourselves and others. The fools that cry foul about childhood vaccinations (without good reasons) have obviously never seen a baby with Whooping Cough or a child or adult battling Post Measles Encephalitis, which almost universally ends with death.

Yet, I would still defend the rights of those with differing opinions. What I do not defend is the bombardment of false news, obscure data and unrelenting mistruths that are peddled for somebody else's satisfaction. Question everything, but be discerning. Knowledge is power.  Insinuation is nasty. Hysteria is pointless. Abuse is usually unwarranted. Use common sense. Try not to be a hypocrite. 

We are holding the last of our Famous Sundowners for 2021 on 11 December. I have stated our position for all attendees. We will not be asking for your Covid 19 vaccination status. What we would ask is if anyone has any symptom of any disease, please stay away.

By the way, sneezing is not necessarily a sign of illness. Harvest around Heavenly Beverley is causing a crescendo of allergic reactions, which is perfectly normal at this time of year.

Till next time.

My darling Dad and I - 6.12.1980

Words matter, people!

Points to consider whilst engaging with any other human being...

Clear communication is important!

My initial reaction to the Coronavirus outbreak...

Try not to hasten your own or others...

My frustration at the diminishment of the language pool being used...

Very useful to remember...

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