Friday 18 December 2020

Whilst The Vagaries Of 2020 Continue...

A warm and lazy Friday afternoon in the East End Gallery. I could very easily lay my head on my desk and nod off. Except that would not be cricket. So, I convinced myself to launch forwards out of my chair, belt out some Christina Aguilera, check on Michael and mull over the events of the last week or so.

2020 is certainly not going out with a whimper. Recent tragedies remind us all how precious life is. A young man ending his life. A great friend and older man succumbing to a sudden heart attack. We will miss you, Aiden and Dave the Brave. For all our sakes, stay safe, follow the relevant health directives, think of others and tell everybody how much they mean. Don't let miserably minor disagreements derail relationships between family and friends. Suck it up, Princess, and play nice.

Throughout this turbulent year, our friends have been the glue that held Michael and me together when circumstances threatened to drown us emotionally. Most recently, we were able to hold our birthday and Christmas party with a fabulous turnout of artists, musos, and all of those we are proud to include in our tribe. We held the Sundowner last Saturday on a warm and muggy night. I decided against the Santa suit due to the heat. Sensibly, we all ended up outside on the pavement where a gentle breeze was blowing. I retired to our boudoir at midnight. Michael, Lawrence, Celeste, Luke and Lisa rocked on until half-past four in the morning...Some kind soul poured Michael into bed next to me. Needless to say, he was perfectly useless for the entirety of Sunday but I only lost my cool with him once. Arriving back at the house with my arms full of Gallery paraphernalia in the late afternoon, the front door was locked and His Majesty was sound asleep on our bed. My mellow bellow sent him rocketing to his feet to let me in. Michael was nicely recovering by Tuesday...

Tuesday was also the day we delivered "Flowers" to Michael's brother, Darryl, in Toodyay, a hundred kilometres from Heavenly Beverley. We spent a most pleasant few hours with Daz, who made us a delicious lunch of pulled pork and coleslaw rolls, washed down with a couple of glasses of vino. Stella provided the comic relief by behaving like a rollicking lunatic, speeding around the garden with Elvis, the ten-year-old (?) Kelpie cross, who was delighted to have an agreeable female canine visitor, given that Mia his arthritic German Shepherd mate can be a tad grumpy at times. Arriving home mid-afternoon, I enjoyed a ninety-minute Nanny Nap before I was ready for action once more. 

Wednesday was all about mountains of washing and the dreaded ironing. Yes, I know. Only a madwoman irons...The task is so satisfactory when finished - just tiresome whilst undertaking. Fortunately, there was a reasonable movie on the telly.

Yesterday and today, I have been in the Gallery. I spent most of Thursday pricing new jewellery that had been sent by Steve Pease, our master silversmith who hails from Margaret River. Given the chaos caused by COVID 19, two of Steve's interstate galleries and one in Margaret River have closed their doors. Which means more silver jewellery for us and at reduced prices. None of Steve's exquisite pieces is over two hundred dollars. And Sterling silver bird studs are from fifty dollars. Thus, I have dusted and rearranged our cabinets and the result is beautiful. 

Want to choose a gift for your special someone without crowds, stress or noise? Come to the East End Gallery. We have presents for all tastes and budgets. Just have a squizz at some of our featured pieces.

Last but not least, my beloved Michael has begun work on his agricultural mandala. Designed to stand vertically, he used a wagon wheel as a template for his ring of scarifier points. The inner circle will be of horseshoes. The centre circle will be his wheat ears. And the supporting circles will hold agricultural artifacts that enhance the piece. Not too much. With all of Michael's sculptures, the story is of the utmost importance. So, less is more.

Stay tuned and may the rest of 2020 pass without mishap...

The East End Gallery - Saturday 12 December 2020 -

Images of the Gallery - December 2020 -

In the Gallery - 18.12.2020

In the workshop - 18.12.2020

Welding the scarifiers

The initial ring is completed!


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