Wednesday 21 October 2020

Just For The Joy Of It...

 A quietish Wednesday at home. Wonderful. The last couple of days have been surprisingly busy and not conducive to writing this post. So, a joyous narrative has been spinning around inside my head, waiting for the right moment for me to begin. Here goes...

We have been very fortunate in a combination of a stalwart and determined Premier who introduced hard state borders, a timely closing of regions within Western Australia and the willingness of our population to put trust in these measures to limit the spread of COVID 19. Hence, we have achieved lowish numbers, relatively few deaths and (currently) no community transmission. All this means that Western Australians are reaping the benefits of returning to reasonably normal lives.

What has this meant for us in Heavenly Beverley? Our town (and many others) has reaped the rewards of  WA's population holidaying at home and venturing out for day trips to previously unfamiliar places. We have experienced a delightful explosion of tourism that we have never experienced before. Events are being well patronised by locals and city slickers alike. Guests are flooding into the East End Gallery and the Station Gallery. Beverley Stations Arts, which has run a successful Artists-in-Residence programme for fifteen years has achieved a full list of artists coming throughout 2021.

Lucky Find (the best frock shop in the Wheatbelt) reopened on 1 September, with much relief for those searching for stylish and affordable outfits. I bought a new pair of white Mary Jane shoes for summer and they are now part of my Gallery "uniform" for the foreseeable future.

Mandy's Garden and Sculptures is tucked away close to the Avon River bridge and is providing the town with herbs, vegetables and succulents. She is a whizz at recycling ideas and has an ever-expanding repertoire of her quirky and amusing pieces. Just across Vincent Street and down Forrest Street is our Community Garden, another low-key setting providing more of that marvellous happiness.

Nex Dor, part of Avon Trading, has become a fully fledges garden homewares shop and is also stocking pretty seedlings, a punnet of "Freckleface" already planted out with glee in our front courtyard pots.

One of only three empty shops in town has found a new arty tenant, according to the grapevine. Vincent Street is bustling and smiles are the order of the day. I only have to peek out of our bedroom window at our newly opened Moort Wabiny park, adventure playground, shade, water and gardens and a ripping skatepark that was thoroughly tested and stamped with approval by some serious skateboarding performers. This week, with school back for Term 4, the park is full mornings and afternoon with happy kids sharing a fabulous resource. The squeals of delight, animated conversations and sensational sharing of the facility are a wonderful reminder that children are adept at playing together for the joy of it. 

There's that word again. Joy. Which was evident on the faces of those who participated in last weekend's stellar events. The Beverley Heroic, that weekend celebration of the bicycle, boasted terrific numbers, all deliriously happy to be involved in the programme. Adults and children alike were seen all weekend, on their bikes, in the Gallery and at the Red Vault, the Beverley Bakehouse and pubs, enjoying the ambience and amiability.

"Cocky's Crossing" showcasing our local acting and singing amateurs entertained audiences with two shows last weekend (and featuring this weekend as well) was another happiness hit. We are also looking forward to the Beverley Rose Show on Friday and Saturday, a chance for our enthusiastic gardeners to show off their blooms and beam with pride.

Last weekend culminated this year's BORMSA activities for our off-road revheads. I managed to source information about their twilight Khanacross from a young chap named Jarrod and our good friend, Adam, the proud owner and driver of Festy Festiva. Jarrod, who is only seventeen and has been racing for two years, drove his 1996 Subaru WRX and came first as a Junior and second overall. His grandma was as proud as punch and persuaded me to ask for a couple of photos of Jarrod. Which he has duly sent me.

I believe Adam also enjoyed himself thoroughly and now boasts owning a second Festiva, presumably to supply the first with spare parts. He took a smorgasbord of photographs from the meeting and the only sadness was caused by this one being the last of 2020. Until next year!

Need a dose of joy? Pack up your vehicle of choice and head for just beyond the hills to Heavenly Beverley. I can guarantee that our town can place a smile on your dial...

A tale about a runner having a kebab in New South Wales. Our fearless leader, Mark McGowan assured the WA public that we would not be fined for buying a kebab whilst on a run!

A restored truck and a couple of happy children at Moort Wabiny Park...

Add some shade, boulders and water and hey presto, they have FUN...

Kids on scooters...

Kids playing basketball...

Official opening of the Beverley Community Garden...

Blast-off for a Heroic road race outside the Freemasons Tavern...

Yee Hah!

No unhappy bike riders here!

Adam's Festy Festiva, ready for action!

Jarrod in his Subaru WRX

Caught short?!

The Festiva lit up!

BORMSA results for the Khanacross...

Meanwhile, at "Cocky's Crossing"...

And don't forget Mandy's Garden and Sculpture Centre...

And this coming weekend's events!

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