Wednesday 5 August 2015

Lightning Can Strike Twice

Simon, our French backpacker from Bordeaux, has been in residence with us for eight days. He is an unassuming young man, who is also witty, hardworking, accommodating, accepting and smart. He enjoys a beer and a glass of red wine. His English is improving in leaps and bounds and we can now converse quite easily. There is the odd bit of sign language still flying around, but that just adds to the fun.

And I have also discovered that he can fold washing. And I don't mean hurling the clothes into the basket and dumping the contents upside down on the laundry bench. I mean that Simon FOLDS washing neatly, efficiently and eliminates wrinkles...I don't know if he just learnt to do this out of necessity or whether his mum taught him. Whatever the reason, I just know that we came home yesterday to immaculately neat clothes and a clean kitchen. Girls, take note!

Which leads to another demonstrated skill. Having lived with us for all of six days, we deserted him on Monday morning whilst we drove down to the Big Smoke to try and get Michael into hospital, due to his current chest infection. Simon was left with the house, the dogs, the cat and the pirate parrot. He coped spectacularly and even had the Barfy Burgers out for the dogs' dinner when we arrived home after thirty-two frustrating hours.

Having thought he was going to be working with Michael, Simon has instead been transferred under Gary's wing - Michael's friend and renovating assistant. This is presently unavoidable as Michael is not well enough to supervise Simon or work alongside him. So, Simon and Gary have now become the Dynamic Duo and Simon is impressing Gary as well as us.

We thought we'd been very lucky with Madlen, our first wonderful Helpxer. Now, it would appear that Simon is proving just as invaluable.  We are very, very grateful that he hasn't found the changing landscape of his stay with us too difficult. We are looking forward to him remaining with us as long as he chooses.  And in the meantime, we get to enjoy his company, listen to his life experiences and explore shared beliefs and passions.

Simon with his morning tea (yes, you heard correctly - tea) and a parrot...

two good looking lads admiring their reflections...

and the parrot whispering sweet nothings in Simon's ear.

Simon, whatever you do, do not trust the parrot!

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