Tuesday 8 October 2019

A Whirling Dervish Of A Week

I was really hoping for a chance to draw breath after last week. I was stymied on several fronts. After the Queen's Birthday long weekend, which was naturally only celebrated in Western Australia, I only had two days off to get my act together before I returned to my role as Front-Of-House in the Gallery.

I do not cope well with long weekends. Losing a day at home means I have to cram three days worth of house time into two days. And with the warm weather, my three courtyards of potted garden call me to come outside. Hence the laundry basket is neglected and resembles Mount Vesuvius more often than not.

Plus, we have lost one artist and gained another. This always involves a major shuffle within the Gallery (I'll just move this piece to make space) and before I realise, the dominos have fallen and most of our artworks have changed position...

As a result, most of this week has been a blur. I keep trying to reduce the ironing pile. Epic fail. In the Gallery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I geared up for all of Sunday and Monday in the Big Smoke. Baby shower for Bronwyn. Retrieval of a desk. Introduction of Ragnor (Ragdoll cat) to Stella and Pip - total disaster. Catching up with Vanessa, Callum and Alex (briefly). Meeting with the NDIS for initial planning. An unexpectedly positive experience with Maria Radici, Alex's NDIS contact. Podiatry in York with the fabulous Laura Ellwood on the way home.

We are bloody exhausted.  Michael had a massage today to relieve his chronically sore neck and lower back. I caught up on housework. Except for the ironing. The pile is still glowering at me from a side table. Maybe tomorrow.

However, we have two days at home in a row. Just as well as today, I spent a large chunk of the day on the computer. Bill paying. Bill delaying. Discovering I could throw some dollars at MasterCard. Supplying Centrelink with information which we have given them before. Uploading documents which took two, three, four, up to five attempts to actually appear to submit. Centrelink is encouraging less-than-fortunate welfare recipients to send information online. A pity if one is not computer literate or has no access to the internet. Even with some computer knowledge, having to try multiple times to upload information that Centrelink has requested is exquisite frustration. And having sent the required documents does not make me breathe easier. The ever-present threat of cessation of benefits hangs over us.

This week has Michael's gastroscopy approaching on Thursday. We hope to discover the cause for his suspected tummy bleed back in July. Gastroenterologist Matt suspects an ulcer. Which would be awesome in some ways. An ulcer is relatively easy to treat. Stay tuned.

Stella continues to entertain in between random destruction. Which is usually our fault for not foreseeing a particular situation, such as thongs left out (on several occasions! Bollocks...). This evening, I walked the dogs, which doubled as a comedy routine. Stella was intent on herding - me, Pip and a random jogger. Fortunately, he had seen Stella before and didn't completely trip when she baled him up.

I feel guilty due to my lack of writing lately. I understand I shouldn't stress. However, I just love to post on this blog. I just love the connections with the universe.

*sigh* Now, all is well in my world.

I'm dancing as fast as I can...

Trying to keep up!

Bronwyn with Problem Child!

 My wonderful son, daughter-in-law and soon to be granddaughter...
Surprisingly productive meeting with our Autistic Superstar, Alex...

Laura taking our feet in hand...

My ironing pile!

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