Tuesday 10 September 2024

Spare Me From Grand Pooh-bahs With Their Pretentious Protocols And Convoluted Claptrap...

I opened the Gallery today for two lovely couples and a Springer Spaniel/Poodle cross named Maggie. As Maggie was the Birthday girl, they sensibly rang my number so that she could choose a gift for herself. (I need to have some doggy treats in the Gallery!) In the end, I don't think she could quite decide so her human companions (very well-behaved, I might add) supported four of our artists and departed for lunch.

Whilst in the Gallery, we all somehow struck up a conversation regarding local councils. One of the gents "had the misfortune" of working with, not for, his council and described their relationship causing much gnashing of teeth and rolling of eyes. The quote was his, not mine.

Anyway, his comment spurred me on with the following post. Those who know my blog will know that I occasionally resort to some colourful language, though I must admit that my friend Jo Russell is in a league of her own. She once described her dismissal of a situation as "not giving a fat rat's clacker". Her delicious dexterity of this phrase had me hooting with laughter and was seared into my brain for eternity.

Needless to say, I have digressed. My following diatribe is to highlight the ridiculous, the pompous, the extraneous and the irrelevant practices and procedures that govern small organisations such as our local council.

I used to believe that our council was quite progressive. And in many ways, they are. The Shire of Beverley attracts funding, employs a tourism officer and embarks on good works that will hopefully make our town more attractive, accessible to all people and add to our profile as a regional spot to visit from the Big Smoke.

Then, there is the reality, as I, a ratepayer review the situation. The council spent a lot of funding beautifying the main drag, with underground power, traffic-slowing devices, street trees and shrubs and new pavement. The gardens are reticulated and the street drainage was upgraded. 

What is failing is the upkeep. There is apparently, a weeding and rubbish removal programme, And checking the reticulation that keeps the Vincent Street gardens alive. We arrived back after eight weeks away. Yes, the gardens have seen growth, but weeding is lacking, rubbish is visible and the street needs sweeping, The promised replanting and mulching has yet to materialise. I will be thrilled if all the street trees rebud but I fear that up to half a dozen trees have died through lack of attention.

The outside entry to the Visitors Centre is rather dire. There are weeds growing in the paving and the gardens and all the grass trees have died. Not a good look as the first point-of-contact for visitors. And I could wax lyrical about the lack of volunteers for the Visitors Centre on Sunday. I think our Tourism Officer could contact Sandstone who have their Visitors Centre open seven days a week...

Before we left for our Great Escape, I attended a Council Meeting. I had been allowed to send three questions on notice. As I took my seat at the Round Table, a collective look of shock permeated toward me. Horror of horrors! I had dared to sit in the Wrong Position. I was duly directed to the Ratepayers Seats behind the Councillors. If I had thought it through, I would have made some proletariat snort. 

Local Council Meetings would be funny if they weren't so archaic and out-of-touch with their communities. If we move to a small rural or regional place, we tend to gravitate towards wanting to  contribute to our chosen tree or sea change destination.

So, if you want to achieve change in your local community, forget appealing to Council. At the moment, the Shire of Beverley is busy developing the town centre. At the same time, the Vincent Street gardens need weeding and replanting. And rubbish removal. Plus, the reticulation needs regular checking. We have summer temperatures to the mid 40 degrees Centigrade. The Council believes checking the reticulation every fortnight is acceptable...Plants die in two days without sufficient water here.

Here are my solutions. I will conducting weeding of the gardens in front of the East End Gallery, U Beauty Hair  and the median strip this Thursday 12 September. I would be happy if you could join me for weeding, rubbish removal and donating some small plants which I pledge to water throughout the summer.

 I am sad that the Beverley residents have to add beautification of our town to the agenda. However, I refuse to allow a lack of commitment by the Beverley Shire to lower the standard of Vincent Street.

A final comment. The East End Gallery has been a stalwart of Beverley since 2014. We have just been informed that we are no longer eligible to receive any more Beverley booklets to give to our guests. We have decided to thumb our nose at this conclusion and we will continue to provide tourism information to all those who come into the East End Gallery.


Blowing a raspberry! 
I don't think so...
Many thanks to Mizz Jo Russell... 
Many thanks to Vivian from "The Young Ones".




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