Monday, 27 January 2025

And The Heat Goes On, The Heat Goes On...

Almost the end of January 2025. I used to look forward to the summer months, of glorious days and mild nights, of months when I could guarantee that the day would be sunny for a picnic on Sunday week. The Fremantle Doctor would arrive like clockwork, cooling down suburbs quite a long distance from the ocean in the late afternoon. We would have frequent days over 35 degrees along with those horrible, but reasonably brief endurance periods of extreme heat over 40 degrees.

I was lucky enough to live in Karrinyup for twenty years, one suburb back from the beach. When I moved to Marangaroo in 2006, we still managed quite nicely with evaporative air-conditioning only used occasionally. I very rarely turned on the reserve cycle unit in my bedroom.

However, the weather has altered significantly over the last fifteen years. We could comment ad infinitum about the reasons for this change - that is not the point. I remember reading an article only a few years ago about an intense heatwave over the inland top end, of nights only dropping to 30 degrees, of those living and working there struggling to carry out their jobs. I was so grateful that we were not subject to those temperatures for extended days on end. Or so I believed...

Now, these conditions are upon us. A cool change is any day under 35 degrees. We hand water our potted gardens twice a day when the temperature is over 37 degrees. Which is currently most of the time. Living one hundred and thirty kilometres from Perth city, summer temperatures may be 5 - 10 degrees higher than in the Big Smoke. 

We often look enviously at the metro temperatures when they enjoy a cool change. We may experience a significant delay in receiving relief or not at all. Summer is no longer a time of delight; it is often just a time to survive.

Hot temperatures play havoc with our comfort, our tempers and our well-being. Having been diagnosed with lung and heart conditions, I am so frequently breathless, uncomfortable and exhausted in the heat that household tasks have become really difficult. Hanging out washing makes my arms to sting with fatigue. Walking for any distance - such as to the doctors' surgery - may be too much for me. I rely on air-conditioning just to function and need regular rests. 

I have noticed a general increase in grumpiness which has been expressed on Facebook by various contributors. I understand the reason, but perhaps we all need to take a deep breath, stick our heads in water to cool down and review our immediate reactions.

Suggestions are welcome. We need to live together as harmoniously as possible, in spite of the current heat...






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