Tuesday 1 October 2024

What The World Needs Now Is ...

This is a post that has been going round and round,,,and round...and round inside my head for most of September . Punctuality has never been my strong point which is precisely why I have been fluffing around in procrastinating circles for nearly a month.

What does the world need now? 

I begin with courage...I am sick and tired of the lack of courage evident in every aspect of life. We all need to be brave every day. We need to do what is right, fair and just. We need to tell the truth. We all need to stand up to the bullies. We need to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Courage and self-belief walk hand in hand. Even though my own self-esteem may be decidedly wobbly sometimes, give me a reason to get on my soapbox and I'll race you to the top. I have spent the last year or so engaging in a few memorable and extended battles.

Our ongoing war of attrition with the NDIA/S is like a series of crests and troughs. After 11 months of treading water coping with all the jargon that is thrown about with gay abandon, interminable and pointless internal reviews, the funding for Alex's CPAP device was finally approved. I would love to announce that the NDIA granted this $1694  out of the goodness of their heart. Unfortunately, that is a load of bollocks. Faced with having to defend themselves at the AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal), they folded their hand and paid up. With great reluctance... 

Then there was the insanity of the KYC (Know Your Customer) debacle from the ANZ bank, which was so poorly executed, so badly communicated and so aggressively pursued that I was eventually paid compensation when I refused to admit defeat. After three months of intolerable harassment, I  approached the AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority) and guess what, the ANZ finally recognised that we had met that pathetic requirements and the matter was closed.

Now, I am once more preparing for another skirmish. The NDIA has refused to add Alex's diagnosed Acquired Brain Injury to his profile, because this condition is "not disabling enough". Pardon?! After over a year of this nonsense, I will once more ask for the assistance of the AAT to argue this point. And believe me, I am not the only participant seeking assistance in resolving NDIS failures. There are currently around 50 000 unanswered appeals, reviews and changes of circumstances at a standstill, waiting for somebody with courage to act for the benefit of the participants, rather than to their detriment.

A good start would be removing all middle management who do not help the NDIS recipients and hiring staff with intelligence, bravery and compassion.

Which brings me to my next observation. The world needs kindness. We live on a planet consumed by conflict at present. Politicians rant and rave about immigrants and refugees spilling into all parts of the globe. Send them back to where they came from...they will all kill us in our beds, take our jobs, eat our pets...

And yet, most of "these people" are just terrified and displaced. Why are we seeing the rise of the right-wing lunatic fringe that caused so much madness during World War II, the violence of nationalist militias, and the fanatical religious groups as a response? 

Because kindness has somehow become aligned with weakness, consensus with failure and tolerance with cowardice. 

What a hideous outcome. No wonder, we are all frightened and anxious and angry.

Let's start with small steps. Talk to the neighbours. Acknowledge passers by. Smile. Welcome new residents to our towns and cities. Greet visitors warmly. Share meals. Join community organisations. Volunteer in community groups. Join the local meditation class, line dancing, art class, sporting club or the local library. Listen without judgement. Become a friend.

Bigger steps? Recycle as much as possible for the planet. Join a clean-up group. Grow trees for shade. Keep your garden pretty and thank everybody who might comment. Ask questions of your Council, your State government and the bloody Feds. If the bad guys can dominate our media, why can't the good guys? Don't accept "no" for an answer. Question everything. 

Then there is love. There is enough love in our hearts for the entire universe. Hug all your family and your friends. Tell them you love them every day. Treasure your friends. Tolerate their quirks. Try to forgive perceived wrongs. And please, don't hold on to the past. Life is too short for grudges.

My beloved Michael's children believe that he is not a good person. I have known Michael for over fifteen years. Yes, he has flaws. So do we all. Yes, he can be grumpy or irritable or miserable. Yes, I'm guilty as well. What about all of you?

Michael's two oldest children have not engaged with him for a very long time. They each have two children, who Michael has never seen. His two younger children have not seen him for about twelve years or so. His youngest daughter has a son, whom Michael has never seen.

My boys adore Michael, as do Callum's two little girls. To them, he is Grandpa Michael. His dream is to be reconciled with his natural children, build a meaningful relationship, and meet his biological grandchildren. He has a sadness and longing that is like an open wound that never quite heals. 

My daughter decided over a year ago that I was a terrible mother. I was summoned to the Perth Law Courts. A Conduct Order was issued. As the Applicant, she was able to make allegations that did not allow me the right of reply. These allegations were based, I believe, on a false assumption. In my role as Respondent, I was kept in the dark. 

I have never seen the actual application which she made in a Magistrates' Court. All I know is that she destroyed our family. Already estranged from her biological father and youngest brother, she added me and her paternal grandmother and aunt to those she rejected. Then her other brother and his family could no longer have contact with her due to her obsessive disapproval of me.And Michael, whose surname she had taken, could not cope with her antipathy of me and had to cease talking to her.

There is a saying that love conquers all. I really hope this is the truth. Add courage and kindness to the mix and I think we could be on a winner. Maybe we can even save the world.  

What I did during September...

Courage is scary...
It's a mystery...

I actually have high hopes for the future of the NDIA...

Not my rating here!
If you can be kind, please be kind...








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